
Monday, July 26, 2010

Over in Illinois

I was running down a good sunset when I passed this place. I put on the brakes, took a couple minutes and shot these images.
I really would like to know the history of this has been empty a long time, by the looks of it. It kind of makes one sick at looks like it was well built.
There is still a grain bin that looks like it might possibly still being used. Other than that, the weeds seem to be taking over.
I even wondered had it been on fire on the backside, or is it full of asbestos...I don't think there is a single window left in it.


  1. It always makes me wonder the same thing when I see places like this, especially brick homes cuz they cost more to build - how can one afford to just let some place die like that... how did they afford to move if they didn't sell it? It's disheartening! Looks like it was a nice place at one time - If you find out anything, let us know!

  2. It looks like it could have been a school. It is sad to see an old place die---I wonder what the story is. MB

  3. This is such a strong looking old structure. It's sad that it looks so sturdy and usable only to be left to decay.

  4. It's always sad to see things deteriorate like that... With all of that brick--it looks like it was a nice place at one time... Oh Well..

    Great pictures, Rose.

  5. What a shame! It does look like it might have been a beautiful place at one time.

  6. It would appear to be well-constructed. Sure wonder what it was used for...and what happened along the way. I think it was probably a school, too. Seems there's enough left of it to make it worthwhile to renovate.

  7. That is certainly a very substantial brick building. I'm sure there is quite a history behind it, it would be nice to know. I like the run-down barn as well.

  8. Neat house! It looks like it could be fixed up. It looks like someone gutted it for some reason. Houses like that just get your mind to working wondering about them. I thought about you many times on our trip when I would see an intersting barn or church or whatever :-)


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