
Friday, July 30, 2010

Time for a post....

The other day I was hanging out clothes, and looked up and there was the little wren staring at me. I hurried inside to get my camera, and snapped the above picture before she flew.
Late in the evening, I sat out there an hour or so trying to get a better photo...but both were a tad bit shy. This one above is a cropped version of one I took. They were just singing and singing...sometimes I really wish I had their attitude.

I left my chair sitting out there, hoping they would get used to it. And every time I am out and they are out there, I talk to them. I know they are the House Wren, and not the Carolina--at least I have never heard them sing like the Carolina Wren. I am so used to Carolina Wrens...all I have ever dealt with were very, very friendly.

There was a pair at home that always built somewhere on one of the porches...we would be sitting on the swing, and they would perch on the chain to the swing right above our head. And my dad, sat out there with his feet up and they would land on his foot.
I have not seen Mama Squirrel in soooo long...I would say it has been at least two months. I keep looking and hoping she will show up. But we have been working outside a lot and have not seen hide nor hair of her. Lots of times when I have not seen her for a long time, she will end up just showing up when we are outside for any length of time talking. So this really makes me think she is gone for sure this time.


  1. Hi Rose, Your little wrens are so cute.... I'm sure they want to be your friend!!!!!

    Your Mama Squirrel may not be there --since she is HERE... We have tons of squirrels around ---busy getting ready for winter!!!!!


  2. You captured two very nice photographs of the wren.

  3. I'm sorry that I know so little about birds, but these look very much like the ones that would build nest on our front porch post and in a basket hanging on our back deck. They did sing a lot and were great fun to watch.

  4. What sweet pictures, Rose. I love your title too. MB

  5. We have wrens around our house and always enjoy their singing. Hopefully Mama Squirrel will pop up one day when you least expect her.

  6. I love the wren's little face peeking out fromt he post and how you are trying to get them to be comfortable with you. How wonderful!

  7. I like your wren shots. I hope you continue to work on getting them used to you.

  8. Love the wren shots. I'm not hearing my wren as much and wonder if they are busy nesting. I've tried to follow its flight to see where it heads. It filled all my gourds with sticks, but I don't think if is nesting in any of them :-) When they do sing, they are so vocal and it is a treat to hear them. I hope Mama Squirrel comes back.

  9. I'm sorry to hear you haven't seen Mama Squirrel in awhile. I knew you hadn't mentioned her. I'm so used to the animals visiting my yard I get anxious when a few days go by and I don't see something walk through.
    I've been trying to decide where to put my bird feeder so it's closer for better pics but I can't get in the way of Hubby's mower. Heaven forbid if he'd have to mow around it. :)

  10. We had a wren family in one of our nesting boxes and they are wonderful to watch. They left about a week ago and I miss them.

    I hope Mama squirrel is OK.


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