
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

In the wind again!

The photo above is just a sample of what we saw to make it bigger till you can see it better. We counted 7 butterflies in it...

Then there were these butterflies...I have just started seeing them this year. I don't ever recall seeing them before, but maybe I did and just don't remember. The width of the yellow bands almost makes me think it is two different kinds, but maybe it just signifies male and female. I am thinking they are the Giant Swallowtail, so if you know for sure one way or the other, please chime in in the comments.

Then there is the little guy below...
We saw just a few of them...not sure what kind it is. Probably a Frittillary but I am not sure which one. It was much smaller than the swallowtails and the monarchs.

I have clothes hanging on the line, Roger is working on the old garage....actually he is getting ready to make doors for it. He is going to make them to look like barn doors. He is having to do some other work first.

I went down to sew some this morn, and discovered I had cut some pieces of my project the wrong I am having to 'fix' my problem before I can really get down to sewing. I was tired when I cut the pieces and I know better than to do anything that requires thinking when I have that worn out feeling. I know what I done, and it was dumb, dumb, dumb! But mom always said if you hadn't made mistakes, you hadn't ever done will try to look at this as a learning experience.

I don't mind that tired feeling if I have actually been working, but I hate that just going shopping totally wears me out. I hate shopping because of that...the only time I enjoy it is when I go Christmas shopping. And even then I still suffer that totally worn out feeling, but I still enjoy shopping for gifts.

P.S. I forgot to add that it was harder than heck to get any decent photograghs of the butterflies...the wind was blowing the entire time I was there.


  1. You really got some good pictures of butterflies. I've never got many good ones but then I haven't tried a lot either.

  2. Wow--and you said that you couldn't get good butterfly pictures... I think yours are AMAZING.... I love them ALL!!!!!!

    Sorry you cut your fabric wrong --but I'm sure you will be able to 'fix' it.... Have fun sewing.

  3. I think you did a wonderful job with these pictures of butterflies. I think they are excellent. I'm sorry to hear about the fabric -- I hope it won't be too difficult to fix.

  4. You got the butterflies very nicely! Can I be 7 years old and admit that swallowtail butterflies always make me think of Gilligan's Island and that episode where a guy lands on the island to catch a butterfly?

  5. You got the butterflies very nicely! Can I be 7 years old and admit that swallowtail butterflies always make me think of Gilligan's Island and that episode where a guy lands on the island to catch a butterfly?

  6. Hi Rose you have some lovely shots here. Thanks for your visits and your comments. It has been a great week getting to know my long lost sister. It is amazing, but it seems like we have always known each other and have so much in common. We are certainly making up for lost time. And I have also had my fair share of tears this week - been a really soppy time :)

  7. Wow...I have never seen one of those Giant Swallowtails! Looking at my book, I would say you are right about what it is! I hope they flutter on down to this end of the state! I get worn out by shopping, too.


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