
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Autumn closing in....

Roger went fishing with one of his buddies yesterday, so I took a short drive...over into Illinois. The harvest is underway....empty fields dotted the countryside. Grain trucks traveled the roads, and tractors dotted the landscape. I do not know why it is, but when the fields are empty the sky just seems so much bigger. I can just look and look and never seem to drink in the scene enough to get my fill.

One day I want to get the tripod out and take a series of photos and stitch them together....the photo above does not quite do justice to the feel of the area. Did anyone else see the show PBS had about the photographer, Art Sinsabaugh? Sometimes I question why I feel the need to take so many photographs, but then I find someone like him whose photographs really captured moments in time and I realize I hope some of mine might mean something, someday, to someone.

I will spend hours looking at photographs...sometimes I look for digital libraries of old photographs, and others I just find web albums or blogs that have really good images. I think the only other person I know that likes to look at photography as much as me is my brother, Neal. We both go through spells of sending each other links to photographs we like....


  1. Check this out:

    Her photos are really colorful and I like that. Go through everything - she takes landscape photos and things with the kids that may give you ideas about photos with Lorelei, too.

  2. Check this out:

    Her photos are really colorful and I like that. Go through everything - she takes landscape photos and things with the kids that may give you ideas about photos with Lorelei, too.

  3. I know what you mean. Sometimes a picture just doesn't do it justice. Some of my kids have given us books that just have photos only and we really enjoy looking at them. I will bring them out once in awhile and look through them, even tho I may have looked at them a million times already.

  4. That's neat, Rose... I love photographs also---and find myself taking more and more of them, and becoming more and more picky!!!! Both you and Neal take beautiful photographs --and I'm blessed to know you both.


  5. This picture brings back lots of memories of the flatlands of the Middle West. This picture is superb. I hope you do get a tripod and can create (and share) some panorama photos.
    Both you and Neal take wonderful pictures. I'm trying to learn how to do as well.

  6. Farm country does make the sky look so large. They are harvesting here, too. I should try to get some farm photos.

  7. When you take your photographs to stitch together try one series of photographs setting your camera in the portrait position. Someone from one of my photography groups said that you get less white area (less to trim) if you use the portrait position. I've always used landscape position. I'm going to give her suggestion a try one of these days.

  8. I like the image you captured for its "huge sky" look. Stitching two together could add to the feeling, but this does a pretty good job of doing now.

  9. We have a farm near us that looks so much like this one!!!

  10. I'll check out your link, Rose. I enjoy looking at how other photographers see the world.

  11. Nice shot Rose. Living on those plains must be quite awesome with the big skies.


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