
Sunday, November 21, 2010

A slight change in plans...

I had every intention of getting photographs taken of Lorelei's Olivia quilt today, but instead I did almost totally nothing. I did get the loose threads picked from it...there was not near as many as I had thought. I had wanted to photograph it outside because when I use flash, very little of the quilting shows.

Not that the quilting is all that great, but I do like for it to show enough to see how it is quilted. We were supposed to have warmer temps today...I even got an update from one of the local news channels in my afternoon said:

Saturday Sunny
High 58º

That was sent at 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon. There had not been one single ray of sunshine so far the entire day, and I will say here that we never got the first hint of sunshine before dark. And though I didn't check my thermometer, I checked the weather on line and the high was 48º.

Anyway, I just didn't feel like being out in the chilly wind to take photographs. So instead I am showing you the courthouse over in Paris, appears to be getting a face lift of some sort. This was taken yesterday. To see what it looked like previously, go is a picture taken in 2009. Both are drive-by shots.
I will tell you right now, I am glad I am not the one working up there...I want to go back when I have time and take some pictures of the entire courthouse. It is really a beauty.


  1. it was a cool day here as well and got colder as the day progressed.

    Looking forward to seeing your quilt photos.

    Gill in Canada

  2. That is one total scaffolding setup. I was surprised to see the before shot of the place.

  3. Yes---it looks like that courthouse is truly getting a make-over... Would love to see it again when they finish!!!!! (BUT--I thought it was gorgeous in the photo you took previously!)

    Gotten warmer here... Today's high should be in the mid 60's.... Almost too warm for this time of year --but the roses love it.


  4. You're entitled to have days like that. I can't wait to see the quilt and today we have had heavy fog all day and our temps are in the high 40's.

  5. I wouldn't like working up there either!

  6. The tower of the courthouse is certainly well wrapped for its face lift. I hope you'll show us the finished project.


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