
Friday, December 10, 2010

Feathered friends for supper....

These are just a few of the little feathered friends that have been stopping by for a bite to eat...I know the above is a woodpecker, but what type he is I don't know. I really need to study the little woodpeckers and the sparrows.
I am not sure if the above is a purple finch or a house finch...whichever it is, I like seeing them.
This here is the titmouse. Another visitor I am always glad to see.
And of course the nuthatch...we always have some of the above birds with a few more that I did not stand out there long enough to capture. We have the chickadees, the cardinals, red-bellied woodpecker...oh, and the juncos. Plus all the other sparrows. They have been flocking to our feeders...most all coming in in one big swoop, with a few stragglers following behind. I think there has to be at least 50 of them. I have never had them so thick.

Then, I have been having the wren regularly...I only see one at a time, so don't know if it is single or I just haven't looked at the right time to see the two of them. And, I had three big blue jays out there at the same time. We used to have lots of blue jays all through the summer...but the past few years, we only see one occasionally. I don't know what has changed for them to just not show up at all, and now to see them at the feeders was surprising.

One afternoon we came home...can't remember where we had been, but it was as if someone had dumped the feeder on the ground. I wondered had two or three blue jays landed on one side, but the next day the crows were out here so I sort of figured they were the culprit.

I only have two little squirrels that are coming, and I have not seen one of them attempt to get up to the even if they did, they are only a bit over half grown. Or else really small. They are not big as Mama Squirrel and she never did tip the feeder when she was getting into it.

Well, that is my bird report for now....maybe I will have success later with some of the other visitors we have.


  1. I like your post on the local birds. My feeders have sunflower bits in them, but I get a limited variety at least that I can recognize. Regulars are Nuthatches, Mountain Chickadees, finches, sparrows, and an
    occasional flicker will cling to the feeder long enough to get a bite or two.

  2. That's an amazing roster of birds! We used to get woodpeckers, cardinals and bluejays and wrens and sparrows, but that was about it...but the squirrels ate all the food (no matter what I did to discourage them) so we gave up on the bird feeder...

  3. You've got a variety of visitors for supper at your house. We don't have too much trouble with squirrels getting to the feeders, but the Pileated Woodpeckers sure make a mess of the suet.

  4. Hmmmmm--don't know what tipped your feeder. I've never seen crows go anywhere near a feeder... BUT--the Bluejays are pretty big.... You may never know! IF it were at night, I'd tell you it was a raccoon...Oh Well!!!!

    Great pictures of your birds... Thank Goodness we are there to feed them when it's cold and snowy.

  5. Hi Rose...thank you for making so many comments on our blogs today...very nice!

    Re your question on Ocala DP: Usually I carry a p&s into a restaurant, although I've sometimes hauled in my Nikon D300 with the motor drive (that attracts too much attention, though).

    I've got several point-and-shoots. Recently I bought what Ken Rockwell called the best p&s ever, the Canon S95. It is really a great little camera.

    And I learned years ago when teaching school it is usually easier to ask forgiveness than to ask, no, I just shoot. I've never run into any problems.

    Sometimes, in a particular situation, a man with a dog say, I'll ask if I can take their picture and strike up a conversation. Rarely do they say no.

    One good thing about a big DSLR is that people take you for a photographer and are often more willing to let you do what you will.

  6. Those are nice pictures. The little titmouse has a seed in it's beak.

  7. what a beautiful assortment of birds you have visiting your bird feeder. there's never a lack of inspiration when nature of any kind is involved. hope all is well.

  8. I love all the birds that visit in the winter! YOu have a nice assortment...very similar to mine. I'm never sure if my squirrels are young or old. I have a couple that have been coming around some.

  9. I love all the birds that are visiting your feeders these days. e have quite a few too and it makes me wonder if we are in for a bad winter. Birds know things that we humans are totally oblivious to.

  10. those are more or less the same birds we have coming to the feeder....

    GIll in Canada


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