
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Not great photos, but great subjects anyway

On the drive we managed to sneak in last week, we saw 5, yeah FIVE eagles. The first four were adult and four juveniles. They were just a bit too far for my camera. I could barely tell they were eagles through it...Roger's spotting scope was a bit better. We drove on a ways and saw this single was a bit closer, but this time was snowing so hard. Still I think you can tell it is an eagle!
We also spotted this fellow...I don't are if there are a lot of coyotes, I still love to see them. They are another animal I never saw in the wild till later in my life.


  1. Oh, don't you just hate it when you can see a great subject but the camera lens is not strong enough to get it?

    Yep, there are a ton of coyotes in these parts too. But I never see them...just hear them at night.

  2. Wow---to see that many EAGLES and to see a coyote is AWESOME, Rose... Thanks for sharing.

  3. How exciting it must be to actually see eagles and coyotes. Getting photographs is just a wonderful bonus.

  4. We've been seeing Eagles along the Mississippi and tho we hear them all the time. I still haven't caught sight of a coyote. I know the farmers here don't like them, but I do :)

  5. Nice shots of the wildlife out in nature. That was something to see that many eagles together. The coyotes are always got a nice image of him too.

  6. Ohhh an Eagle & looks really cool in all that snow... the coyote looks like he or she's running for their live! =)

    I got your message about the reminder & I'll leave another comment later when I open the linky... thanks so much, Rose! =)

  7. I enlarged the photo Rose and I have to tell you I am so envious!
    It's a photo of great clarity but it is and eagle! I'm so happy for you.
    I've only seen one coyote and it was in the Smokies a few years ago.

  8. not a fan of coyotes, always scared they might attack Molly, we hear them more than we see them around here.

    I would love to see eagles in the wild, only ever seen them in a zoo.

    Gill in Canada

  9. Welcome back, I have missed you. Great pictures of Lorelei on the earlier post, and I am glad Sarah is doing well! Love these pictures, we are starting to see Eagles in our area...slowing returning, and as for Cayotes, I am told they are on our ridge, I have not seen them or heard them. Someone told me they have been seen in the woods behind my house! Yikes I am not sure I like knowing this!

  10. We usually drive out to see the eagles. I suppose we will again this year. I hadn't thought of it until you reminded me.

  11. Wow...eagles and coyotes! I have never seen a coyote. I don't get many eagle shots either.


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