
Monday, February 21, 2011

Look what we saw!!!!

We were out and about yesterday, hoping to see something. I was mainly hoping to see eagles....and maybe deer and turkeys. I 'may' have seen an fact am almost positive I did. But we were driving too fast and it was just there and gone, so I am not positive.

But look what we did see--Sandhill Cranes! These we only saw in flight...but I could hear them. They are so vocal! You can look here and here to see other posts with better pictures. Or go here to read about their life is interesting.
I wonder if they were looking for a place to rest, or were they just headed north...I have no idea how they do when heading back to their nesting grounds. I hope we can make it back to Jasper Pulaski a little later on...I just never tire of seeing them.
We had another almost sleepless night the other night and I have just been out of sync the past couple of days. This time, it was basically cause we were having such nice weather and I was hyper...I could have stayed up all night. Every so often, I do have a night where I just stay up all night...usually I sew. This time we both read, and reading will help me settle down. We went to bed at 5:00 and I got up at 9:00, so hopefully no more nights like that.

It is doing nothing but rain here today...everything is so saturated. The Wabash River was almost out of its banks yesterday, so bet that it will be flooded after this day is through. Every time it floods, I think of George Rogers Clark and his men crossing it during flooding, on their way to battle....when they went to take back Kaskaskia from the British. They had to be men of iron will.

Anyway, of all days, I have laundry to do...I had much rather hang it outside but it is supposed to turn back chilly and even chance of light snow tonight. So, I will just dry them in the dryer and be done with it.

As I sit here, I hear Puss Puss crying in the basement....that is a sign she is looking for something, or in the process of carrying something up here. Usually something of Roger's. She has really been in that mood lately. I told in an earlier post about the plastic tubing, and the pipe cleaner...well, a few days later, she kept bringing this little plastic bag was something that belonged to Roger but I don't know what it was. I know she brought it up at least three times....then the other night she brought up this whole bag of cleaning patches. It is little squares of cloth he uses to clean rifle bores. Only, with them, since the bag was bigger, there was a whole trail left behind her when she brought them up.

There is never a dull moment when you have cats...


  1. what a neat thing to see all those cranes.

    I think all pets have their own special ways......

    Gill in Canada

  2. Hi Rose! Thank you so much for visiting our new website and for your nice comments!

    This is amazing. Yesterday I was playing golf. On the back nine, one of the fellows I was playing with pointed to the sky, and there we saw a huge flock of sandhill cranes flying north ... they were very high.

    That would have been about 11:30 AM.

  3. I've seen all sorts of sandhill cranes already.

  4. Hi Rose, The cold front and rain has not come through here yet--but it's on the way. We are in 'need' of rain--so I hope we get some... It's been a long time since we have had rain (or snow)....

    Wonder if the Sandhill Cranes that you saw are the same ones which 'wintered' at my son's home in Galveston, TX?????? Remember when I posted his pictures on my blog?????


  5. Oh how I'd love to see those sand hill cranes in flight! Thank you for sharing the photos.

    Our Reesie Kitten is always carrying stuff around the house. She has a cloth diaper that's one of her favorite items to move about and has also often been spotted carrying her furry curl bed from one spot to another. She's a character.

  6. That's a lot of cranes Rose!
    Heidi doesn't start 'talking' until we go to bed no matter what time that is. Then she finds her little furry toy and talks to it. I just shake my head and go to sleep.

  7. Puss Puss sounds like Siddi. Siddi has fuzz balls that she carries all over the house - she makes the most horrible sounds while she is carrying them - sounds like someone is torturing her, but she is as happy as can be.

    I hope all the birds mean Spring will be here soon, I'm tired of all the rain.

  8. Those cranes do their thing over near Omaha as well, so they're on both sides of me. I wonder if it is a good sign that they're on the move...I'm ready for warm weather.

    Our cat cries like that when she's carrying a toy mouse in her mouth. I love it now that I'm used to it. At first it scared me!

    The triathlon was one reason I was not around - health and family stress were other reasons. I have missed connecting with you.

  9. I liked the links to your other pictures of the Sandhill Cranes. I was surprised how large they are. The groups flying makes a nice pattern image too. As far as I know, we don't have Sandhill Cranes anywhere around the northwest.

  10. When we see sand hill cranes in South Dakota it means spring is here to stay. They are usually the last to migrate north, and always a welcome sight. Predictions of 18 Below F this weekend, I don't think we'll see them for a few weeks (bummer)!!


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