
Friday, April 29, 2011

Morning song

Every day we were home, I awoke each morning to incredible birdsong. I think you would have to be there to believe it. I did managed to capture a couple of the main ones--the mockingbird and the cardinal. I thought the above photo a catbird, but not so sure.
Even though this one of the cardinal is blurred, I still like it. It is a cropped portion of the original photo.
I did not manage to capture the wrens though, and I think they were the most vocal of all. They had babies somewhere but I could not find the nest...even though I was close to it. The first night there one was really scolding me....but after that no matter where I looked I got no reaction. But I did see it come from around the house carrying the messes from its nest....

I also saw a couple chickadees, indigo buntings, bluebirds, and two or three types of sparrows. Oh, and what I assume was a swallow of some kind had a nest under the eave of the garage. I could never see it for more than a few seconds.
Roger and I have both been exhausted since getting home. Yesterday and today has been sunny and beautiful with bright blue skies. There is a chance of thunderstorms moving back in Saturday night...which is the last thing we need. I heard on our local news that farmers are so far behind in their planting because the ground is so saturated.

I also have a flip side to the piece I posted for yesterday, but it is so negative I just haven't had the heart to write it. One of these days I will though...just not now. I have for the most part put it behind me and would just as soon forget it, but feel like I would not be truthful if I didn't tell that side.


  1. i LOVE that cardinal shot! the wing flutter is gorgeous!

  2. that's a really cool shot of the Cardinal... i like her wings spread out like that!

    we're suppose to have Thunderstorms again Sat night, again, too! YuCk!
    At least the river has gone down considerably & they've opened downtown back up! =)

  3. I also love the cardinal. I awoke this morning and in the darkness heard the songs of what sounded like a chorus of birds just outside the window. Your post brought it to mind.

  4. I always like bird pictures. The cardinal is spectacular...what a neat catch. You do these very well. I hope more terrible weather misses you there.

  5. I like that Cardinal shot too! They're so beautiful.

  6. You certainly caught that cardinal in motion! Isn't he a gorgeous shade of red?

    This time of year, I love to listen to the birds in the early morning.

  7. I love that bird in flight capture. Wonderful!

  8. I love the cardinal shot! We've been seeing lots of new birds here...So exciting!

  9. Isn't it great to have some sunshine?? Love that cardinal shot! The birds here are certainly enjoying the brief sunshine.


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