
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Look me in the eye...

This little fellow was just outside the kitchen door yesterday...he is not the same one that used to come here but I wonder if he is one of her offspring. It did not seem to bother him when I was right down in his face almost to take his picture. It was an overcast day so had shallow depth of field. I can only say I hope he stays around...and I hope Lorelei gets to see him.

If she is anything like our girls, and I am pretty sure she is going to be, she will love almost all wild things. Speaking of her, they went to Lowe's for something yesterday, and they had a water fountain set up...she looked at her mom and asked her where the rocks were...I did tell you that she loved throwing rocks in the creek in Tennessee, didn't I?

Sarah and I are anxiously waiting for the creeks to go down enough to take her to one here and let her play all she wants to. It would be fun if it was when her Aunt comes home towards the end of the month or first of June...I can't wait to see her and can't wait to see Lorelei's reaction to her. Cause Lorelei still mentions her occasionally. I sure hope someday not too terrible far in the future, her aunt gets to move closer to home.

I wonder if one ever gets totally used to their children living far away...sometimes I am okay with it, but sometimes I get so lonesome for her...we passed the turn off for her apartment one day last week and I thought if only...but would rather her to be where she is and doing what she wants to do than to be back here in her old job....and I never go to Terre Haute that I don't wish Lorelei still lived there. That way if her mom wanted to go back to work, she would have a built in babysitter...


  1. when i was 20, i moved 1,100 miles away from home. i was the youngest of 8 kids - my mother's "rosebud". i don't think a mother ever gets used to it - nor does the child ever fully reconcile what they gave up...

  2. I love this frog...Great capture! One thing on my bucket list to photograph is a big huge bull frog. We can hear the frogs at night now, and it's wonderful. I remember as a child throwing rocks in the water, I guess you could say I was a tom-boy.
    You never get used to your children living away. At least we haven't yet. I'm like you, sometimes I'm okay with it, and sometimes I'm not...Jim and I take turns with it all :)

  3. Your focus is perfect to get this fellow's eye very sharp. The comment on kids and where they live is a good one and typical, I think, of parents who almost universally would like to be near their grown children. I know feel that way!

  4. Nice froggy photo! I know what you mean about kids living far away. Our daughter lives near North Pole, Alaska, One son is near Ogden, Utah, the other at the southern tip of Utah. One girl in Oregon as well. Sigh . . .Our daughter in Alaska just had her first baby. A little girl. We'll be flying up there soon to meet her.

  5. Hi Rose, Cute little froggie... Looks sleepy!!!!!

    YES--my kids all live away from here and I miss them so much.. I never get to see them as much as I'd like.

    Be sure and take some photos when Miss Lorelei gets to throw rocks in the creek...

    P.S. Hope you two are feeling better. Any results yet on the tests?

  6. That looks like one very big toad!

    I look forward to seeing photos of Lorelei tossing stones into the creek. :)

  7. I don't think parents ever get used to their children living far away. I'm sure Lorelei is going to enjoy seeing the toad when she comes for a visit.

  8. I just jumped over from Neal's blog, are you his sister? I see my friend George up there, hey George! We got to meet George and Betsy last year. have a wonderful blog and you are an amazing photographer! I also appreciate it from a grandma's point of view, I hope you keep blogging. Signing on to follow.

  9. Cute froggie... He looks SLEEPY.

    My sons all live far away --and I never get to see them as much as I wish I could.... It's just life---but we don't have to like it, do we???

  10. Rose, I'll never get used to my kids living far away. Now that both have my grandbabies it is even harder. Sometimes I wonder if we should have retired back to our roots, but we wouldn't be happy on a day to day basis if we didn't. So, like Betsy said, it's life and we'll just try visiting as much as possible.

  11. Nice pic of that toad! I hope Lorelei gets to see it.

  12. A fine close up of this frog. He looks pretty contended and okay with his place in life! Nice comment with this post too. We have streams still right at the flood stage around here.

  13. icky, icky, icky.........the frog that is!!! I hate toads and frogs with a passion..........I am frightened of them infact............

    Ds lives 40 minutes away, we saw more of him when he lived 4 hours away......



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