
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

From the strip pits

I have not been taking any pictures at all; just not been feeling like getting out and about. But late yesterday I decided it might do me good mentally to get out for a few minutes. Never mind the fact that every night there has been beautiful sunsets, and I have wished I was out there after the fact. Anyway, I just happened to see the deer above...he was barely visible in that sea of grass. After seeing him I started keeping a better lookout, and managed to see 7 before the evening was over. But I bet there was at least double that number, and maybe more that saw me. They were so hard to spot...most times I would see the ears first, then part of their head...but the grass/hay was so thick that was all I would see unless one ran.
I also saw a couple of these frogs...I suppose this one was waiting for a meal to come by on wings...he was in almost the same position when I left the place.
And I saw a few dickcissels but no good shots....I will have to go back later to see if I can get some earlier in the evening. It was late by the tie I took not such a great shot.
Oldest daughter is back to her job now...let me tell you Lorelei enjoyed her. She could not get far from Lorelei's sight...and Lorelei was just totally happy having the three of us together. I am trying to think of some of the funny stuff she did while her aunt was here, but cannot think.

It was good to see oldest daughter...we even went to a quilt shop or two to find fabric for the backing of her quilt. It is odd...when she first leaves, it don't hit me till a bit later just how far away she is. I want her back cause we miss her, but yet she really enjoys where she is, so I don't want her back...does that make sense? I think for any parent, all they want is for their kids to be happy...

I have got to get headed to physical therapy here in a few minutes. That is going okay...only one of the exercises so far is really hard to do. It really hurts to do it. The others I have to really concentrate to do them right. I don't know if it is because I have been sitting so tensely for so long, or why. I do know now that this started sometime before February 3. I happened across pictures of all the ice we had then, and this was already started when we had it. If I had only gone to the doctor then, this would be a thing of the past.


  1. Well you're going now and that's the main thing and I'm glad you're doing better.
    I totally get it what you're saying, about your daughter. I can't wait to see the quilt when it's done. I started on a new quilt for our bed. I needed a change from the old one we have.

  2. I think it takes something seriously painful to get a woman to go to the doctor... they say women are more likely than men to put off going to the doctor, but seriously, who can afford it? My doctor (who charged reasonably & fairly) died a year ago & I've put off finding a new one every since... I don't have insurance, so that's why!

    I know what you mean about your daughter, we want them happy & safe, of course... I worry about my daughter all the time!

    I'm guessing the deer was lying down in the grass, right? That really IS thick & I can see why you couldn't spot them very easily... I wish we had something here like the strip pits... that'd be neat! =)

    Take care, Rose, & good luck at PT!

  3. LOVE that frog photo and the beautiful bird! it's a wonderful shot of a bird we don't see here!!! SO glad you went out for a bit to share these with us!

  4. I'm glad you got out to take some photos, Rose, and I urge you to force yourself to go out again soon...very soon!

    I hear a lot of frog but lately never see them. And I have never seen a least not well enough to identify it.

  5. I forgot to say, I'm glad you enjoyed your time with your daughter. I's definitely hard when they live so far away.

  6. An interesting series. I like the deer shot and the colorful bird is another one I've never seen in person.
    I'm having a time being home and trying to do everything correctly with my replaced hip. An unusual requirement is that I'm not supposed to put any weight on the repaired leg at all (0) for 8 weeks. Even with a walker it seems nearly impossible. :-) I'm hoping things will look better a few more days at home.

  7. What are the strip pits anyway?? I love that frog picture!!! Why are you in therapy? I guess I missed that, maybe I wasn't following you back then...

  8. Hi Rose, glad you are up and about. I think this hot weather saps everyone's energy. I know it does mine. How far away does your daughter live? Do you not get to see her often? My daughter lives two hours away. She used to live 14 hours away and when she moved to where she is now, I felt like I could walk to see her. It seemed really close then, but now I wish whe was even closer. Mu grandboys went home today after staying 10 days with me. I miss them. Everything is so quiet. I guess I'll go out and listen to the birds sing. (Loved your pictures)

  9. Nice series of photos. really like that Dicksissel. Have never seen one of those.

  10. Beautiful photos. The bird is very unique to me. Hope the therapy will get easier with time.

  11. I like all the photos. I think it's really eerie when animals don't move like that frog. I also tried to comment this morning, but Blogger was having issues again. Or maybe it was my computer...

  12. Two things: I made the comments pop-up on the running blog. They should work better now.
    Also, I hope your PT is going well. Don't forget to do it. I've been doing mine faithfully for weeks and I'm not where I want to be yet. You just have to keep going. I know you'll feel better for doing it. :)

  13. That's a wonderful dickcissel shot! Better than what I usually get. Love the deer and frog, too. You will have to tell me what sort of exercises they have you doing. It's hard, but will be worth it when you are done. I'm mostly just riding my stationary bike for my knee now, but the knee feels real good.


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