
Monday, July 18, 2011

Another for Barn Charm!

First, let me get the preliminaries over with. This is my entry for Tricia's Barn Charm if you want to join or just see the rest of the barns that are entered.

This barn comes from Tennessee....again. But it also has a little story attached. Everyone that knows me, knows how much I love Tennessee and consider it home. Even if I don't go down for years and years it is still home....and I still like the soft southern drawl of the people. I still think they are some of the finest people to be found. I guess everyone thinks that of their hometown or home state.

Imagine my surprise when we stopped for me to take photos of this...I got yelled at for taking pictures! Actually, I didn't know what they said....I was standing in the road on down from a house, and Roger was just pulled over to the side but still in the road. So I walk back to see what the lady said...and it was one lady telling me that another lady said I did not have permission to take photos of the barn!

The other lady came out then, an elderly lady I should add, and asked me why I was taking pictures...I just told her I take pictures of barns where ever I go...and walked away. I was so upset I did not want to talk to her....if I had at that time I would probably have told her if she didn't want pictures of it taken, then she needed to build a privacy fence. I just walked away....I could not believe someone down there would say anything about a picture being taken.

I had to tell this little story.....I have taken a gazillion pictures and some of them right in peoples faces almost and no one has ever gotten upset. It just goes to show there has to be an old grouch wherever you go.


  1. I have never had that happen to me...In fact the barns I posted for this week, the owners were outside and when they saw me taking pictures they stopped working just so that they wouldn't get in my photo.
    I can see why you wanted to take a photo of this barn. It has a lot of character.

  2. Oh my goodness, Rose, I'm so sorry that you got yelled at. That's awful... they're the ones w/ the problem, that's how I look at it, anyway, so don't you dare mind them! They may not know it, but you meant no harm & we all know that...
    My mouth dropped open when I read this, I just can't believe it. You're right... What a grouch! =)

    I completely understand about not posting & sorry to hear you was so sick! Glad you're up & better, now!

  3. It's a great looking barn! I appreciate what you had to go through to bring it to us. Too bad you got such negative reaction.

  4. Maybe these people had something to hide in that old never know!! It is a charming barn and that is a great shot! Sometimes when I am out taking pictures, I feel like I should ask permission but never do!

  5. It's a cool barn, but what a shame that the owners were so cranky! I've not asked for permission to take a picture, but there are a few that I would like to get pictures of that I would have to ask to get the shot. I would think it would be an honor to have someone taking pictures.

  6. maybe she's worried about the disrepair its going thru. sounds like she's got a problem with someone (and it certainly wasn't with you).

  7. I'm sorry you got yelled at for taking pictures of this barn -- in Tennessee of all places.

  8. Ah Shucks... You mean that there are grouches EVEN in TENNESSEE???? DARN--I'm sorry...

    Great pictures though of the barn... It does look like a TN Barn... ha


  9. Thanks for sharing the photo and what a shame that someone could be so rude about a simple picture being made.

  10. Well I think you captured a really quaint barn...maybe she thought you were the county authority or something. Sometimes folks get a little ouchey about things. But I always look at barns more closely now because, you have shown us some beauties...even in their years of wear and tear. For this I thank you! Hope things are looking up for you, I said a special prayer about your kitty! How is our sweet little Lorelei?

  11. we are twins as I would love to live in Tenneesse as I love the place and the people.

    It sounds like the women had got out of bed the wrong side, don't you think?

    Great shots though.

    Gill in Canada

  12. wow, that is weird! sorry you came across such a crab! beautiful barn, she should be used to people taking pictures!

  13. That's life I guess. It's a great barn though! lol

  14. I am always afraid of this happening! I have gotten into trouble for taking pictures, but always in stores or restaurants, never outside!! If you are in a public open space, I don't think anyone can stop you, there is no law!! But I would have been upset just like you. Just try to forget about it and pay no mind. These are mean people who wasted an opportunity to be kind and have an outreach!!

  15. Hey, you were on a public road and not on her property! I'll bet she's just one of those negative people who are happiest when they can yell at someone. The best part is that your photos of her barn got posted for us all to enjoy. It's a great find, and looks like it was just put together piecemeal over the years.

  16. rose....i have been chased from many a place, i actually love to trespass & feel everyone should share my sense of adventure!!

    thanks for your super kind comment on my barn, i am soooo happy you enjoyed it!!!

  17. oooohhhhh & what an awesome barn. definetly worth it!!!!

  18. Awesome pic, thanks for visiting my blog and sharing.Stumbled across the barn charm blog and decided to join in too much fun!!

  19. What a sad woman she must be.
    This barn just cries out to be photographed, from as many angles as possible!
    Thank you for your comments on my photos! I am so pleased you looked through so many and left your thoughts on each one.

  20. I love this barn. It's so big and beautiful!

    What a strange story. People often think I'm weird b/c I like to take pictures of benches and barns and such. But I've never had anyone yell at me for it!

  21. I read recently that someone else was told not to photograph a barn. Perhaps I read it in one of my photography forums. Great pictures of the barn, by the way.

  22. Hmmmm. If you are standing at the side of the road, no one can stop you from taking the photo.

    I've been yelled at a couple of times and so I think I know how you feel. It hurts. And, at least for me, it's embarrassing. But most of the time people are delighted when I want to take a photo of their farm...or whatever.

    I can see why you took these photos and I'm glad you did. AND I'm even happier that you posted them and told is what happened. :)

  23. It's a great barn. I always worry about someone being mad when I take a photo of an old house, but never thought about anyone caring about barn photos! I'm glad you got it anyway :-)

  24. Well, your story will come to mind now everytime I pull off the road to take a picture of a barn...that's if I start doing that. I do not see barns that often, or maybe I am just not looking. Don't let one old crabby woman deter you.

  25. What a shame! I had a similar incident; I was in Salem, MA and I was taking a picture of a stores sign because I liked the witch shilloutte and wanted to get it as a tatoo. Well, the nasty owner came out yelling at me and I was so offended! Needless to say, no tatoo ;)

  26. Rose, I have had similar incidents while photographing barns. I don't go onto the property any more unless it is an abandoned barn.

    Legally, you are allowed to shoot from a public road, but I always offer to e-mail them the photo so they can hang it on their wall.

    But, this photo was worth the effort!!! What an amazing barn and picture. Thanks!!


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