
Friday, August 5, 2011

Decorated tree

We came across this tree in some little town in Illinois last week...I have never seen anything quite like it. It was by a place that sold exotic fish and supplies....the entire situation had a strange feel to me. It sort of had the feel of a home, yet it looks like an old store.
I should have had Roger park somewhere till I could have gotten better shots, but like I say, I felt like it had the feel of a home.
It seems to have a little bit of everything thrown on it for decoration...
We have been to Sarah's for a couple days. I figured with her seeing us the day before, that it would be no big deal when we walked in but she came running and jumped for me to grab her. To just walk in and make someone that happy...there is no better feeling.

I am not sure what I am going to be doing the next few home so late I did not check my tomatoes. I finally had a ripe tomato from the Brandywines and it was simply delicious, red and ripe all the way through--just the way I remember tomatoes. So I am hoping I have some more of them ready to eat. I may even end up taking a flashlight out there to check before the night is over. Yes, I am that hungry for a home grown tomato. I meant to take a few with us just to have....Sarah nor Jeremy likes fresh tomatoes but we would have enjoyed them.

I also have some sewing ready to do, and would really like to get started on that. And there is the never ending I am sure I won't be bored. Plus I want to get caught up on blogs that I have missed the past couple of days. I hate getting a week behind...and I never can just simply start off and not go back and see what I have missed.


  1. the tree is unique! i rather like it!

  2. Yes, that tree is "different." Such little gems hanging there. I wonder how they weather the rain.... It appears the ends of the branches are freshly cut.

  3. Very unique tree! How interesting what you see.

  4. What a strange tree. I guess it gets attention and apparently that was the purpose. Your comment about laundry reminded me that I must take a break and start a load! :-)

  5. I guess that tree gets a lot of attention! You will have to share your sewing project with us soon. Like Don, you have reminded me of awaiting laundry!!!!

  6. Hi Rose, Interesting tree... That is a good thing to do with a dead tree--just decorate it... Hope the birdies enjoy it!!!!!!

    I know you were thrilled to see Lorelei.

  7. Well, that is an amazing tree!! They have put something on the top, too. I have enlarged some of the pictures to get a get better look, so unusual!! I wonder what it would look like at Christmas?

  8. Someone creative lives there! I wouldn't decorate a tree like that in MY yard but I admit that I enjoy seeing them in someone elses. :)

  9. I guess there's something for everyone. Unusual find, Rose. :)

  10. this is odd, but I sort of like it. a small town in Illinois huh? one mention of Brandywine tomatoes and I begin to salivate. my own are still green, but I wait patiently for that first bite. have a fun weekend Rose!

  11. I guess its better than it just looking dead.......

    Gill in Canada


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