
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Home again

I could use a trip through the strip pits just to ease my mind...not that anything is bad wrong. Just sort of have frayed nerves.
We headed to Sarah's house Thursday morn...she was taking a pediatric first aid class because she is going to start babysitting for a few kids. The class was Thursday and Friday nights starting at 6:00 and ending at 10:00 pm, and her hubby had to work both nights so our babysitting services were requested. It was a hard job but we were up to it....LOL

We stayed till this evening...not sure just what time we got in but well before dark. I got a few little things done, sent Sarah a text that we had made it home okay, had to balance the checkbook...I don't think many people do that any more but I just do not trust myself enough not to do it.

About the time I got done with chores and started to catch up with my blog friends, Roger lost this little spring of something he was working on. He was sitting in front of the computer while doing it, and let me tell you we looked and looked and looked. Spent over an hour...I even got the vacuum out and put a knee high hose over the end of it and started vacuuming. Nothing.

Roger looked on every surface around, and I did, too. I looked behind the monitor, and on the bottom shelf and looked at the printer, but didn't think a spring could get under it. I honestly thought about having Roger lift it up, but thought no, no use. So I finally decided to quit and take a break from it..and he looked behind the printer and there it was! What Fun for a Saturday Night!
I think I am going to have to invest in a router for Sarah's I can take my own computer to be able to blog some. I have time at night, although I might be too tired to do much. But I could at least visit a few blogs.

For some reason, any time I visit this blog on her computer, it freezes up. Totally freezes. I can sit there for an hour and still not be able to do anything. I got the bright idea to visit some other blogs via their comments in my email. Up until now, I could visit a few blogs from there with no I cannot even visit any if I have a minute. It freezes up for other people's blogs, also.

We have no idea what else to try....and I am so tired right at this moment I cannot even think of what we have tried so far. I know we have tried different browsers. It is just so frustrating.


  1. Yes, it can be terribly frustrating when the computer doesn't work right and you don't know why.

  2. I do my banking online, but I also do a tally in my cheque book as well, just don't trust the computer....LOL

    Gill in Canada

  3. glad you're home so maybe can unwind a bit. the spring search sounds utterly frustrating, but at least you found it!

  4. I balance our checkbook to the penny every month. Sometimes I just can't get it, and let it sit for a week - come back to it, and immediately find the problem. On another note, what did we ever do before computers?

  5. An interesting account of your babysitting. Sounds like your daughter is wise in studying for her works and for her own personal use. When computers don't work right, it's a pit. A router would be fairly low priced now….good idea to take your own with you.

  6. Finding little pieces that get lost and computers that don't work can both be very frustrating. I like the picture you got at the strip pits. I hope the visit helped cure frayed nerves.
    I still balance our checkbook as well. We have a wireless router here at the house and love it. We've had as many as three computers and my iPad using it at one time.

  7. Sarah is your daughter? How far away does she live? How old are the grand kids? What a frustrating computer problem!!! Have you thought of getting a Smart Phone, then you could blog on it, I know friends who do that. Only thing, it is expensive. The phone costs, and so does the monthly service. I wanted one but it just costs too much.

  8. ugh, on the computer stuff. 15 years ago (not so long ago) i did not even own a computer!!!

  9. I think Sarah is smart to take these courses. Pediatric first aid is very smart to know.

    Oh how I HATE looking for things. A whole hour? I like the idea of using a knee high over the vacuum hose...even if it didn't work. Glad the spring finally decided to reveal it's hiding place. :))

  10. Don't envy your search for the spring, It just leads to frustration. Computers are a PAIN sometimes aren't they. They are something else that is frustrating. Lol.

  11. I can see why you got so frazzled. I know it was wonderful being with the grandchildren, but it IS hard on us as we get older, plus you aren't at your own home, and with the computer problems, and losing that spring. nI hope you've been able to unwind now and are feeling more relaxed! Thanks for stopping by my blog. The son-in-law wasn't badly hurt and it didn't ruin an otherwise lovely day. Hope all is well with you.

  12. I just tried to leave a comment but don't think it went through. I really like several of those. I want the blue and green in that Kaffe Fassett line.

  13. A friend of mine lost her wedding band four months ago and found it last week in her front yard!


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