
Saturday, October 29, 2011

I finally made a decision....

I have been debating on getting a kindle for quite a while now...I mentioned it a few days ago.  Roger kept encouraging me to get one and to get the one I wanted....he was thinking I wanted the Kindle Fire that is coming out soon.  Well, it would probably be okay...but I really wanted something light weight that would not be bulky in my purse.

I also considered the Nook from Barnes & Noble...and though it used to be my favorite place to shop for books, when they changed their website a few years ago, I switched over to Amazon.  I very seldom even glance at books there.  So after much debate, I got a kindle was Roger's early birthday present to me...but he would have wanted me to get it whether my birthday was coming up or not


  1. I have never heard of a Kindle Keyboard, what does the keyboard do and how is it different from the regular Kindle? It must be very new? Is this one smaller than a regular Kindle? And what don't you like about the new Barnes and Noble web site? Looks like you will need a whole other post just to answer my questions!

  2. Congrats! I think you will really enjoy it.

  3. Yay you got a kindle - never heard of a keyboard one before though.
    I'm sure you will love it - I certainly love mine. How many books have you downloaded so far?

  4. I'll be anxious to hear how you like it.

  5. looks great to me, congrats on your newest techy toy.

  6. oooohhhhh congrats, your gonna love it!!

  7. Please educate us about this gift,esp. the keyboard part---I'm so curious. I always thought I'd stick with 'real' boooks, but so many of my favorite authors' work are big and bulky and that's getting tough to carry (and awkward at times). So I'd love to know more.

  8. I'm sure you'll enjoy using your new Kindle. If I know right it has several fonts available and plays music too.
    You have some fun ahead!

  9. Congrats on your gift. The kids got us a Kindle a few years ago but I don't use it like I should. I do plan on taking it with me to the retreat so I can listen to it in the car, a friend of mine uses it for that and loves it.

  10. Congratulations. I hope you enjoy your Kindle as much as I enjoy my iPad.

  11. Congrats Rose! Please keep us informed about how it works and how you like it.
    I had been meaning to ask you about your downloading the PC app. Guess that doesn't matter anymore. :)

  12. Sounds very cool! I have never heard of a Kindle Keypad. Hmmm.

  13. I'm sure you will love it! Did I miss your birthday? When is it?


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