
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A little road trip....

Since it is supposed to start raining tonight, we decided to go for a drive today. My friend, Mary, had went to Goose pond and told me about her trip. I had been anxious to go, so today was the day.
We saw plenty, but all at a distance. I saw a few frog's peeping up from the depths...but not a single one along the banks.

We saw several egrets, with this being the only one within shooting distance. I watched and watched for him to catch something all to no avail. Plus we were watching for this bald eagle...and he came close, but not close enough for a good picture. It was a juvenile. Still, it was very exciting to see it.

There were lots of blue herons, and a couple cormorants, and a couple other birds. Just so frustrating that all except this egret were too far away. I told Roger I would love to take his hunting blind down there and set it up and see if things would come close with us sitting in it.

This is from today...I should have kept a copy of the show you...I just hit auto levels to get this till you could see the milkweed seeds in flight. I don't care how old I get to be, I will love shaking them loose to fly on the this case Roger shook them loose for me to try to capture.
The past couple days prior to today, I have spent a lot of time in my basement. And should I admit that a lot of the time has been spent looking for things...namely two or three different fabrics? I found one of them right where I first had just got squished down between two others...but I didn't find it till I had looked through every other place. Does anyone else lose things like this?

In finding the one fabric, I thought of another fabric that I had not seen in all the searching...I did not go back looking again. But I have been searching for a quilt backing, luck with it either.


  1. Great post - I love that last shot of the Milkweek seeds. Excellent capture. I know what you mean about those Egrets, Herons, etc....they always seem to be just out of range.

  2. Love your pictures. the milkweed one is awesome. Talking about hunting things....there's not a day in my life that I don't have to hunt for something. I put things in a certain place so I can find them and then I forget where that certain place is.....and if I'm not hunting something for myself, I'm hunting it for someone else! Oh well, it could be worse....:>)

  3. Love, love, love your milkweed shot

  4. The milkweed picture is stunning, it really should be displayed somewhere. It looks like birds, or even a sky full of jewels.

  5. you MAY already know that i have an unhealthy obsession with egrets and herons!!

    the milkweed shot is perfect!!

  6. i just typed a full page, hit a key on this silly lap top and lost it. see i can lose the comment form while typing. that never happens on the desk top, the laptop has keys that do strange things while typing. i love love love the flying seedlings. and yes yes yes to losing things that are hiding in plain sight.

  7. The milkweed seed shot is awesome!

  8. An interesting series with a spectacular milkweed seed shot! Thanks to Roger for setting up the basis for such a nice shot.

  9. Yes, i DO lose things and I HATE it when I do!

    The egret is great/ I tried to get a photo of a blue heron yesterday but it really was way to far away to get a decent photo. That doesn't seem to stop me from trying though. :)

  10. Hi Rose, Love that last picture. The coloring is perfect in that photo... You should frame that one.

    Keep up all of that wonderful quilting...

  11. It's so annoying when you can't get the picture you want isn't it. You could wait all day and it not happen.
    However, I really love your last picture it looks great.

  12. Wonderful!.....everything we saw was distant, too. Get a blind for two and I'll come sit with you :-)I wish I could go back there every day. I love that milkweed shot! Wow! How you got those so clear is amazing to me!


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