
Friday, October 21, 2011

A no photos post, or simply miscellaneous thoughts

I have not done enough today to earn my keep, as I have heard my mom say. Literally nothing as far as accomplishments.
Oh, wait, I did need check registers since the place we get our checks quit supplying them. I had been playing on the computer beforehand, so when I realized I did not have one anywhere, I proceeded to find some on-line. That led to e being at Amazon which is a real no-no for me. I cannot go there without looking at books. I always click on non-fiction, because I have a thing about buying nonfiction. Not sure why....but I cannot remember the last time I bought a non-fiction book. It was probably a Stephen King book for my older daughter.
So, looking at books sometimes leads me to looking at Kindles...which happened today. I half way think about getting one, but then think do I really need it. I decided to download the app for PCs.
Let me tell you, that may have been a BIG mistake...besides libraries starting to have some books for Kindles, there is the Project Gutenberg ....then there is Amazon itself. I had glanced before at what they had available, but let me tell you, now that I have spent some time at it, I am in hog heaven. And it is free stuff! I probably could not find a lot of them in actual book form, and one I downloaded I noticed was $30 to buy. And it is non-fiction stuff, which is even better. First hand accounts of pioneers.
Oh, I have downloaded some fiction...but am afraid I will be tempted to look for books more than I read..
Then a friend of mine, Carletta, almost lost a few month's worth of photos. So we have been talking about online storage...I have thought about it for a long time but continue to put it off. Has anyone else used on-line storage....for anything. I would just want it for my photos.. I have looked at Carbonite and at is very tempting since I know that some of them do it automatically every time you are on the internet. I would still want them backed up on my own external hard drives.
And that just now led me to remembering I can make a back-up copy of my blogs...maybe I should look into that.
Anyway, one thing has led to another and I have not done much. Oh, I did come down here to download the kindle app on my netbook, and I did sew a few lines...


  1. i always back up my pictures onto a cd but i also never delete them from my memory cards so i guess i am covered x2!! i just keep buying more memory cards.

    i have troubles deleting pictures...i wonder if they have a self-help group for that!!

  2. Stopping by to wish you a very nice Autumn weekend.

  3. We have a really good computer guy, and he uses and recommends Carbonite. If you are thinking of getting a Kindle, you might as well spend a bit more and buy a Tablet, they have readers in them. My iPad2 has a Kindle. And it does tons of things and has over 10,000 apps. Also front and back cameras.

  4. I think I'd love a kindle if I could contain myself to what was free or very low priced. :)
    We don't have a bookstore within 50miles of us anymore.

    Another blogger gave me an another idea on backup. I'll send you another email.

  5. I got a kindle for Christmas last year from hubby. Just about the best present he has ever got for me. I love it. So easy to use and carry.
    I don't every buy expensive books just the cheapies.
    I'm going to have to buy more storage for my pictures as well. They fair mount up don't they. I didn't realise I had taken so many.
    Have a great weekend.

  6. I had no idea I was not earning my keep, because your day sounds like what i do almost every day, not the non fiction though, I only do fiction. I have not bought a book since i retired, i am a library person now and i did see they have e books to loan now. my friend gets them on her kindle.

  7. Books in any form are very tempting!

    I only backup on external hard drives. Maybe I ought to do some investigating too!

  8. Hi -- I strolled/scrolled around this blog (came from your photo blog) because I wanted to find out what you meant by strip pits -- and I figured it out! A good photo place for sure. I enjoyed your posts here as I was looking. So it was a great wander. Thanks!
    (I own a Kindle -- we do a lot of roadtrips and it sure makes life easier... but I still use the Library when we're in one spot for a while -- for "real" books.

  9. as soon as I get onto the computer, time flies by at double speed I find!!

    What did we do before computers and the internet? Probably a lot...LOL


  10. Guilty here Rose ;>D...I have done my fair share of computer browsing, Amazon addict I am, and I have a Kindle to spend even more time on! Did you know Amazon offers freebie Kindle downloads about once a week? I am an non-fiction kind of gal too, and the freebies are not always to my liking for that reason...but it is out there for those that like a variety! Kindle is a light load for traveling! Have a wonderful week, and I am sure you have earned your keep many times over! Hug for Lorelei!

  11. I like to read ahead and to know how many pages I have left and so I wonder if the ereaders wouldn't drive me nuts by keeping me from reading the endings to murder mysteries.

    I also like non-fiction a great deal.

  12. I love I love to LISTEN to books.!


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