
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Home again.....


We got home from Indy yesterday afternoon.

I started laundry almost immediately.  I don't know about most people, but I almost always can find a load of laundry.  My neighbor used to say we were either awfully dirty or awfully clean, but I really think we are just average.

I stayed in the basement and worked on my sewing project for at least two or three hours while doing laundry, then brought it up here and finished it later last night.  It is in the washer as I type and probably ready to be thrown into the dryer.  It is nothing fancy...just something fun.  I am glad that it is done...just hope it doesn't bleed in the wash.

It was rainy and misty all the way home...all our leaves are about gone.  Just a few spots of color here and there.

There is just something about is always a time of thinking and remembering for me.  I long to reach back across time and connect with childhood be with my brothers and sisters.  I want to sit by the fire and  maybe roast a potato in the coals...or to gather around the table and work a jigsaw puzzle together.

I think about standing in the barn and grading tobacco all day long...and though it can be downright cold, sometimes it can be fun depending on the mood of everyone grading.  One of my earliest memories is grading tobacco, and we had taken our dinner with us.  What that was  I  am not sure, but probably bologna sandwiches.  We had milk, and to keep it cold, it was set in the spring house.

I also want to read and read and read...and to sew and sew.  And there is never enough time to do all I want. It makes me wish I had a maid to do the everyday household chores...but since I don't, a lot of it goes undone and I chose to do some of the fun things.


  1. I totally agree. I wish we had a maid. Not only to free up my time, but I am not able to do much and it gets harder. I guess we have built in nesting instincts when winter is near. Lorelei is precious, as usual!!! I love the tutu outfit and her in the big tree!!! Did you know that some Kindles, but not all, are offering books free if they are at your local library? It may be worth checking out. My son tells me it is only on the cheapest one, but it will probably be coming to all of them!

  2. UMmmmm pardon me, but I think there is a little girl wearing a TuTu in your tree... LOL. she is a doll, so cute.
    i always want to read and read and read and have since I was 6 years old. i love blogging and emailing and photography and computers but if i could only pick ONE, it would be reading. I never got to grade tobacco, but i did have to pick from the garden and peel and snap and help mother do the laundry in the old time wringer washer. so no, never want to do that again. I like what i do now, my childhood and teens is something i rather not go back and do again.

  3. I figure the housework will be there when I'm done sewing or reading...Tho, I do try to do a few things around the house before I do anything...I feel less guilty that way ;0
    Lorelei is such a doll.

  4. Such sweet poses of Lorelei.

    I think all of us begin to reminisce near the holidays. We miss those who have passed on and those who have moved far away.

    Reading and sewing are great winter hobbies.

  5. That little granddaughter in the tree is just adorable... Can't believe how fast she is growing....

    I love raking and blowing leaves and can't right now... It's killing me to see George out there trying to do it all...I hate housework and would love a maid... I'm not much of a reader ---but love my blogging, FB, and emails....


  6. that's a great spot to photograph a cutie pie!!

    i have help with the housework, once a month. i have a wonderful woman who comes in and does the heavier cleaning and really scrubs the bathrooms good. it's a wonderful aide and i am ever so thankful for the help!!

  7. Those are cute pictures of Lorelei. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has trouble finding enough hours in the day to get everything done.

  8. Staff! That's what we need so we can get to the more important things such as sewing, reading, photography ...whatever!!
    Cute pics of Lorelei too, btw.

  9. I think fall is a come-inside time of year when we think of the wintertime times together with friends and doing in house projects. Love the shots of Lorelei in the tree…much prettier than squirrels sitting there! :-)

  10. Really cute photos of Lorelei! Love her tutu :-) I want to sew and read and work puzzles and sit under my quilts. Once fall gets here it seems like the end of the year just rushes past non-stop. Then the cold comes and drags along forever. I've been thinking about family, too. I miss seeing my sisters and wish my parents were still alive. I miss the family holiday times now that our family is more scattered.


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