
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Time for catching up...

So, I have not been in a blogging mood here of late...just had things on my mind and things I wanted to do....and reading. Not sure if the kindle was a wise gift or not. I just want to read and read and read.

Then, I really got thrown off track last weekend...Sunday night to be exact. And I have debated on whether to tell this or to keep silent...but wanted to explain part of my absentness this week.

I discovered a lump....yeah, one of those. Quite by accident. Sunday night, after Roger had gone to bed. The lump was on the same side I had a stereotactic biopsy in 2007. Which was negative for cancer, I might as well add.

Well, we were heading to a hand to-shoulder doctor Monday morn for a knot that Roger had on the underside of his wrist...right where his hand joins to the wrist. So, I did not say anything to him...just went on with was just a ganglion cyst and the doctor drained it right there in the office, and we were on our way. We did a couple stops, and came home, and I called to get a mammogram. Got it set up for Thursday....still didn't tell Roger. Stuff like that just really worries him...

Then Tuesday morn, they call me about the mammogram...since I had had the biopsy, I had to see the doctor and get orders for a diagnostic mammogram. So, I called the doctor's office and got in Wednesday....I did tell Roger what was going on then. The nurse practitioner didn't really read me the riot act like I was afraid of...not when she remembered all that had been going on in the past year or two.

They were able to reschedule me for the mammogram on Thursday, just an hour later than I had originally been scheduled...and scheduled an ultrasound at the same time. They are over and done is only cysts...the one I found is about the size of a quarter and there are at least a couple more about the size of a pea.

I don't think I will let anything slow me down from getting those mammograms now...I felt so dumb that I had put it off for so long. It could have turned out so different. I want to encourage all women to schedule their own mammogram. And to follow through with whatever the doctor tells them.

I am heading down to the basement to sew a little bit and try to get back to feeling normal...will probably try to catch up with everyone later tonight.


  1. I'm so happy that you are ok - not as happy as you though!!! Must have given you a right fright.
    A get a mammo every 2nd year - we have a family history of breast cancer - my sister had it twice, she is fine now though.
    You can not relax and stop worrying. Here is a hug for you. Take care!!!

  2. I'm sorry about your scare, hooray that it turned out to be just cysts. No wonder you didn't feel like blogging! Take care, Rose, and enjoy reading...don't worry about blog land, we'll always be here.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Hi Rose, Glad you are okay.. I'm sure that was scary... I went for a number of years without getting a mammogram --when I was younger. Then when I had one, they 'saw something'... Scary!!!! Found out that it was nothing --but I have gotten a mammogram every year faithfully since....


  4. Thankful for your good report, Rose. Your photography is always so beautiful. Hope you have a restful night and a blessed Sunday.

  5. Hi Rose,

    I'm so glad it turned out OK. Yes, it is important to get tests on time. Thanks for sharing your story.


  6. Beautiful shot Rose!
    So glad all is well. Settle back into your routine and you'll feel even better.

  7. Oh, what a sunset. Hopefully things will settle down for you.

  8. So glad you had good results! I go for my Mammo every year faithfully. They did extra pictures this time, which scared me, but after another look, the Dr. said all was fine.

  9. Phew!!! You had me scared there for a bit. You now have so much more to be thankful for this Christmas!!! I am SO glad!!!! Your photo is just gorgeous!!!

  10. thanks for sharing this with us. it allows us to pray for you. the mammo is the one thing i do every single year and I am so happy yours turned out good for you. life can so easily throw us into a tailspin that makes it hard to blog. hugs from FL

  11. So happy to hear it was only a cyst. I'm only 31 and found a lump last year. I'm so bad about doing the monthly self check and beat myself up about it. I just randomly checked last December and found one. Very emotional few days for me as I pictured my kids without me and not ever meeting my grandkids. I have plans for my grandkids!! After going to the doctor and then being sent off for testing everything came back fine. Just a cyst too. Very scary!

  12. A beautiful shot of the sun, but the heart of your post was the gripping narrative of your discovery and follow through on that. Good advice to all the women following your blog! I'm glad the result turned out so good, Rose!

  13. Thank goodness they are only cysts! And I'm glad you didn't put it off again. Some people get so nervous, they don't make the call. You're brave! I had a lump removed when I was 27. Once I hit 40, I schedule them every year whether I like it or not. :)

    If I forget, my doctor gets on my case.

  14. I am so glad that you had a good report, Rose! I know that can be scary, and I am thankful you are fine (and your husband too!)


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