
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Where does time go?

I warn you ahead of time...don't bother with enlarging this photo. It is no better enlarged than it is the size you see it. But there is something about it that I like anyway....

There was no way to get away from the sun being right in front of me when I took it...

The days come and go so quickly now...just like John Denver says in Poems, Prayers, and Promises. See, I told you that song always goes round in my head in the fall. But that is beside the point.

I did manage to wash a couple windows today...we have the kind that flip in but with my shoulder I have not been able to do it. I was just going to use a ladder today, but decided to give it the old college try just one more time. With the advantage of standing on a step stool, I was able to get them flipped in and washed, got the curtains/drapes washed and put back up. Now I should be able to photograph a few birds.

I did put out some birdseed for the first time in quite a while...a red- bellied woodpecker was out there in less than 10 minutes. I expected the house sparrows, but was amazed when I looked out and saw him hanging upside down. I hope that he is a sign of good things to come.

I have did a couple other loads of laundry, and have made a few more little 4-patches. I am getting ready to sit here and count how many I have if I can wrap my mind around it. I am in the mood to get it done and move on to something else. Not sure what I am going to do with it, but I am in hopes of making the top and quilting it.

I have been sitting here looking at songs from our youth...and finally came across youtube version of Whippoorwill by the Ozark Mountain Daredevils. There are at least half dozen songs by them that I absolutely love, but this one is probably my favorite...someone did a slide show to the song, and it is worth watching. So I will say good-night and embed the song here.


  1. Ah--what great memories, Rose.... I love the 'old' songs of my youth...

    Didn't get much done here today.. It rained off and on all day---so it seemed like a lazy day for me!!! Didn't take a nap--but wanted to!!! ha

    I keep birdseed out most all of the time ---and when it rains, the birds FLOCK to the feeders... Glad you put some out and had a visitor. Love the Red-Bellied Woodpeckers...

    We may get some flurries tomorrow....????

  2. Rose, this post has really touched my heart!! I have never heard of this song before, but it is so beautiful and haunting, along with the images! I don't believe I have ever heard a whipporwill's call, have you? But I think I can hear it very faintly now, as I listen to this and look at your lovely picture, I'm thinking there is a whipporwill somewhere on that path...

  3. I like your sunny picture very much. It's a welcome sight to eyes that haven't seen sunshine in weeks. Drab drab weather up here in Michigan.

  4. That is a nice photo! I've always loved that song also....maybe because I loved to whippoorwills as a kid.

  5. I laughed when I read you cleaned your windows because you wanted to photograph the birds in your yard. Excellent motivation for washing windows, Rose!

    I like the photos that accompany the music. Someone did a great job putting that together.

  6. the song is new to me also and i like it. i love youtube because i can go there and find what my heart desires and the desires change with the days. i love the old four note singing from the hills of Kentucky and i can find old songs from my youth in KY there.

  7. This time of year always seems to make us nostalgic for so many things of the past.

  8. Doing the windows sounds like a huge project…good for you at getting that much done. Clean windows help produce good pictures!

  9. I love hearing songs of the past...I end up back there when I hear them. There's nothing wrong with your photo, you captured it well.

  10. I'm thinking that time gets lost in the dryer with the socks! I love the picture. It's beautiful!

  11. Love the picture Rose! The sun made nice shadows and a welcoming feeling to walk that road.
    I need to wash a couple windows too for the same reason - birds and deer. :)
    I didn't know this song but it is very nice.


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