
Thursday, January 26, 2012

A few visitors...

I happened to spot the pileated woodpecker across the street, but it was slushing at the time and I dared not get my camera out in it so stood on the porch and shot through my wisteria vine. Slushing is my word for when it is the stage between rain and freezing rain...we had freezing rain, rain, slush, and a tiny bit of snow this evening...
Anyway, trying to do a quick post of a few of the birds that the above a white-capped sparrow? Haven't had time to look...will explain that on farther down.
There were a couple nuthatches to visit,
chickadee/s...didn't see no more than one at a time so don't know if it was just one coming back or more than one.
And there were three pair of cardinals out there at one time...not like we used to have at home by any means but it is the most I have ever seen together at one time here.
So, I couldn't sleep last night, went back down stairs and cut strips to length from about 2:00 a.m. to after 4:00 a.m., came up and went to bed at last...

Have did laundry, dishes, etc and also been back down there a lot in the afternoon till about 8:00....came back up to sit down and rest. I got my laptop and had not been sitting there any time till it just quit....overheated I am sure. So, am hurrying to post this in case it decides to quit on me again.

I have got to take the back off and see if I can clean out dust and that help. I am sure it is full of it...just no way it isn't. I have a couple posts scheduled for my other blog, but if I don't post for the next day or two, you will know what that something is up with this computer.

Edited to add that My North informed me that it is a white crowned sparrow...I had a feeling I might be wrong but couldn't think what else it could be called.


  1. You have got some cute wee birds there.
    When I can't sleep I usually bring a book downstairs and read for a while, what you do sounds much more productive. I know someone who gets their ironing done when they can't sleep - now that's just mad if you ask me lol.
    Hope your computer doesn't quit on you.

  2. I just laughed out loud at your photo of the pileated---looks like he's having a bad hair day!

  3. phooey on computer problems and also phooey on not being able to sleep. you have more birds in your ice and rain than we have and it is like summer here. our song birds are gone so are our doves. the hawk population has tripled or more and they have wiped them out. can't tell you when i saw a bird in our back yard.

  4. Second photo is a White-crowned Sparrow. You live near the most northerly range of their wintering region.
    Isn't it fun seeing a Pileated Woodpecker? They are so big, like a chicken! We have one that comes every day.
    Good luck with your computer repair.

  5. You managed to get a fine bird series. I'm always interested in seeing the birds that never frequent my feeders: The white capped sparrow and the cardinal.

  6. I hope that the cleaning will cure all your computer problems. I'm impressed that you got a picture of a pileated in a tree. The ones around here always seem to go around to the side away from us.

  7. Hope you computer is okay, Rose. Our vacuum must have overheated a few weeks ago. We were using it and it just QUIT... We couldn't get it started no matter what we did... SO--we just put it back in the closet.. THEN--a few days later, we turned it on and it started... No problems since.... Huh????

    Love your birdies. I have them all here except the white-headed one. TOO cute!!!!

    Thanks for sharing and hope you sleep tonight.

  8. I LOVE the bird photos, especially that red crest of the Pileated sticking up from the big tree trunk, it is super!!! Gosh, you know how to take the back off a whole computer??? Do you have repair experience? I hope it gets fixed and you don't have to miss any posts.

  9. A very beautiful White Crowned Sparrow! What great birds are visiting you right now. I haven't seen a Pileated for a couple of years now. Hope you got the computer cleaned out and working right! I need to clean mine, I'm sure.

  10. Well, I think you have more birds than I do! I haven't had many visitors to my feeders so far this winter.

  11. Hope you figure out how to clean your computer, Rose!

    Lucky you to have so many cardinals in your yard!

  12. Great shots of so many different birds! And, wow, seeing the pileated is so neat!

  13. Ah the effervescent signs of winter coming to and end. Where one phase has ended, and another has begun, rejuvenating the life that has fell silent for the period. Thanks for the pictures.


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