
Sunday, January 8, 2012


I am showing these from the strip pits....
I wanted to show them sometime....
I just had not planned on it being today.
I have just wasted at least an hour on here looking for that little pie chart that shows time spent looking for stuff. Just because of the last few days I have spent oodles of time looking for a pattern, among other stuff. I am talking serious looking time. And I thought it so appropriate.

Then, I realized how much time I was wasting looking for the pie chart. I have used it before and it is somewhere on my blog. So decided to just get to the point and post something...I feel so strange if I don't post a picture of some kind, even if it is unrelated to the post.

It is another pretty day here in west central Indiana...I have a quilt hanging on the line to dry. It is one I keep hanging on a quilt rack, but a certain Bubbie cat goes over and pulls it down, then crawls under it. I usually keep it pinned till he cannot do that, but for some reason had had it off there, and never put the pins back in. It needed washed anyway, so took it down and threw it in the washer and put another little one up there. He has done been over trying to pull it down, but I thought to pin it.

I think I am going to go down and sew some spare blocks I have together and make him his own little quilt. It needs to be big enough for him to crawl under.

Well, I am headed down to sew, hopefully I won't get detoured into looking for something else!


  1. I know what you mean about wasted time...sometime I think if used the time I took looking at blogs and quilt sites I'd get a lot more quilting done. Oh well.

    Bubbie doesn't have his own quilt? Bad mama! LOL Each of my cats has a small quilt with flannel or fleece on the back. Definitely keeps them away from my favorites.

  2. I think some days I spend too much on the computer. I finally ordered a canvas of one of my recent owl photos from "Canvas4Life". It's a great place to turn a nice photo into canvas artwork. I have ordered quite a few from there and they've all been beautiful.

  3. Some days I think I spend half my life looking for things. I need to get organized! Your sunset photos are really beautiful!

  4. Very pretty pics, Rose.

    Your cat sounds like mine. They love to sleep under something that they should leave alone!

    Have an enjoyable afternoon.

  5. if you used the word pie chart in the post, you can pull up the list of all your post in dashboard and top right is a search box type in pie chart. i use it all the time. it will pick up all post with that word. i used it to find a photo of daddy yesterday. if you already knew this, call me know it all

  6. Fabulous photos, Rose. I love the colors...

    YES---wasted time is hard to justify at times. When I work on Family History, sometimes I can spend hours searching --and when I finish, I have no idea what I did ---or why it took so long... ha ha


  7. Awesome shots here! It looks like I can walk right down that road from here.

  8. You are such a good "mom" to Bubbie!How cute that you are going to make him his own quilt! :)

    Wasted time looking for things? I know all about that! (Unfortunately.)

  9. those are gorgeous sky photos especially the second one.

    Gill in Canada

  10. You're in good company today. I just wasted a couple of hours searching for and editing two photos to participate in a particular meme (which was a new one for me). Got all ready to click on the publish button and discovered that the theme was for this past Thursday, not tomorrow (Monday) as I thought! So I deleted my post. Now I need to get up from this computer and put my effort into some other task.

    Your sunsets are superior, by the way. I wish we had a good spot over here for taking those those kinds of shots but there is just so much ground clutter, mostly trees, and no high spot to go on a moment's notice.

  11. These are gorgeous captures or the what's left of the sunlight painting the clouds a glorious color. Fine work.

  12. Beautiful pictures of the sky!

  13. More great photos! I am trying to set up a quilt rack to hang a couple of quilts on, but it was broken in the move and needs gluing with wood glue. Maybe in a few days...I don't have any cats anymore to pull them down so I can display a very old one that was made by my grandmother and great aunt, that I treasure.


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