
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Winter has arrived!!!

I say that winter has arrived...and it definitely feels like it. It was so windy and cold today...the wind blew so hard that it was hard to stand still to take a photo during some of the gusts.
We ran through the strip pits just to get out a little bit...on entering we started seeing Northern Harriers right away...they were almost hanging in air with hardly a flap of their wings or anything. Just staying in place....
Other than the Northern Harriers, we saw several swans...I am not sure if the majority of them are tundra swans or trumpeter swans...probably tundra but I really don't know how to tell the difference.
But the pair above are mute can see if you click to enlarge the photo...

and again, more of the tundra or trumpeter swans...both flocks were too far away to get a decent photo.

So far, we just have a skim of snow...but the cold has settled in to stay it seems. And still are supposed to get more snow tonight, but I will believe it when I see it.


  1. Brrr it does look very cold. I really love the shot of your 2 mute swans.

  2. Very pretty pics and it does look so cold. Have a safe weekend.

  3. Looks pretty wintry! Wonderful that you saw all those swans.

  4. I'm back: What exactly formed your "Strip Pits?" Is it from some prior mining operation? Also, what state are you in? Somehow I can't find your profile. I was telling my husband about your Swan photos and he was wondering where you were located.

  5. I love the mute swan shot and the top one makes me glad that I'm south...tho we'll be back to snow soon enough so I'll just enjoy the warmth while I can.

  6. I never think of your area having so many swans. I think you did a good job getting these pictures of them. I really like your first picture. The swirling snow makes it possible to almost feel the wind.

  7. Hi Rose, We have snow here this morning also---but only about 2 inches. It's cold here also (18 degrees)... Schools are closed ---and we'll stay inside today ourselves... We have a nice big fire going in the fireplace this morning.

    Glad I do feed my little birds though. They are flocking to the feeders... Poor little things!

  8. it does appear to me that winter has come to you, I love the second shot, so beautiful and the swans are super.

  9. It was a worthwhile trip to the strip pits. Nice shots of the swans. I'm surprised how many there they stay around every winter?

  10. I like your two B&W images and the photograph of the mute swans. It looks like your trip to the strips was worthwhile.

  11. Great photos! Love the Harrier! Boy that wind looks so COLD, blowing the snow!

  12. These are so beautiful and are making me cold just looking at them!


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