
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Stumbled on this...

I was looking for another song, and came across this one...never heard of the guy. But that is not saying much...I just never listen to the radio any more...anyway, thought I would post it here....maybe someone else will like it. Also, have you heard of him--Vince Dixon before?

I really like it...but he reminds me of someone else. Just can't say who.
I am have been thinking about home a lot and thinking about our girls...I always wonder what memories they carry with them about home. One thing for sure, both of them are so much better with kids than I was at their age. I suppose I enjoy Lorelei so much because I am feel like I am more at fact I was more at ease with Sarah than I was her sister. By then I learned not to stress about every little thing...I might not make the most perfect decision, but for sure wasn't going to be doing anything that would harm them.

Small kids have always gravitated to my girls. They have always loved both of different ways. I am not sure how to say this...they gravitated to my younger because she was more a kid, and I think they gravitated to my older daughter because they felt secure with her. When she was in college, she worked at a mini-mart every night...there was a couple that had a young girl...I think between two and three. If they stopped by to run in and get something, she had to go in and see my daughter...and my daughter had to hold her and talk to her. The only way just one of the parents could come in was to hurry in and tell my daughter to stay out of her view. And you might think this was some of my daughter's childhood friends but it wasn't. It was just someone that came in and out there.

And another time, a couple was in there with one even younger, and she had to go to my daughter, and the parents just kept saying she don't do this, she don't make friends like this...and when they left, she had to kiss my daughter good-bye...again totally surprising her parents.

And with Sarah, all the little kids in the neighborhood always wanted to come and see her, and her sister too.... And kids love her now...and I tell you I have learned more about being a mom from watching her and even watching her sister with Lo than anyone else, except maybe one of my sisters.

Then I tell myself, maybe I have not been too bad to have the girls as we have...
Today I have been on the go the most of the day. I had to go to Walmart, to Terre Haute, to the post office, back home...then to the bank and to pay a bill for someone else.

The reason I had to go to the bank was I counted my change...I was wondering how much I had....and though I did not count all the pennies, we all know that it takes a whole bunch of those to add up. I took $11 worth of pennies alone and left more than that here. Altogether I had $321 in change. And that is not as much as I have taken in at other one time I took over $700! Another time I cannot remember but I know it was in the hundreds...I really don't want to let it add up like that is so heavy to take in.

Then tonight the internet was flickering off and on till I couldn't do am late getting this ready to post...


  1. I like this song too, sort of brought a lump to my throat. A wonderful dedication to someone's mum!!!
    Your girls sound lovely you obviously brought them up well. That is all we can hope for really that they grow up sensible and caring people.
    I am falling behind in posting just at the moment - not sure why. To much going on I think.
    Have a good day!!

  2. a new song to me and also new singer, but i rarely listen to music so that is not to odd. you had to have done something right to have daughters like yours. mother WAS our home.

  3. Love the song. My daughter has told me several times over the years that she thought I was and am "The Best Mom Ever"!! Must have done something right. I always looked back thinking I made a lot of mistakes. And she's the best daughter ever only child.

  4. Your account of your kids and how other's youngsters enjoy being with them was very interesting. Seeing that happen would make one wonder if we are such kind of invisible aura that kids can discern. Nice post, Rose.

  5. I have never heard this song before, or the singer. But I love the words. I think you must have done a wonderful job of raising your girls!

  6. Hi Rose, Great song and singer... Never heard of either --but like them alot... I thought that the singer sounded a little like Kenny Rogers at first --but not so much, as I kept listening.

    You obviously have done a fabulous job raising your girls... You can be very proud.


  7. Nice song Rose. It reminds me a lot of 'The House That Built Me'.
    I tried looking him up. It appears he is out of Nova Scotia and in his words, "has released a couple of indie releases over the years... but everything I put on youtube is fairly new and unreleased."
    I think you did very well with your girls.


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