
Friday, March 2, 2012

Indiana Heritage Quilt show....

Yesterday, Mary sent me an email which reminded me that the Indiana Heritage Quilt Show was starting....they were leaving right away. We thought we might as well head that way, too.

I thought first I would show a few of the art quilts...some are almost like paintings.

The artist takes fabric and needles and thread and sewing machines and create works of art.

Who would ever have thought of making a quilt like the scene above?

The one above is probably the biggest of all I am showing here...but I cannot remember quite how big it was.

I couldn't even sketch the the scene above, much less create it with fabric and thread.

Since we all love butterflies, I thought I would throw in this one...

and the one above is one of my favorites....

I just had to throw in a version a little bit closer in.

And here is the last I am showing here today...aren't they works of art.

We have had storms roll through this morn...had hail in the morn, but only for a few seconds and not too big....then a few minutes ago, it got so dark, one would have needed headlights to drive safely. Another storm passed through, and now the sky is just stormy looking but not threatening.

I hope you enjoyed the quilt show....they all enlarge...and really are best viewed bigger.


  1. Oh my goodness! These are absolutely gorgeous!!...:)JP

  2. Fabulous! I really favor #504 with the Trees.

  3. Oh my there are some wonderful works of art there. What a great show to go to.

  4. Wow, those are beautiful! It was almost like being there, thanks Rose.

  5. To think of the amount of time it took to do each of those - quilting is a work of patience.
    I love that first one - speaks country!
    I could never use one of these. I'd have to hang it on the wall.
    Wondering if any were for sale but then how could you do that much work and be willing to give it up.

    It's storming here now. In fact the lightning is awful and I better get off here.

  6. Thanks for sharing these Rose. The quilts are absolutely amazing! I really like #504. It looks just like the view from my kitchen window.

  7. The art quilts are beautiful!

  8. A fine series of this unusual art work. I thought the detailed tree limbs looked impossible to create! Very interesting presentation today.

  9. I am glad you are doing alright after the storms. These quilts are amazing! In your first picture, I thought that was an actual scene you photographed, and was amazed to see it is a quilt! And the bare trees, the WORK that must have taken. They are all just wonderful, these people are true artists and you can't really put a price on that.

  10. stunning, sunning, stunning.......

    Gill in Canada

  11. You got to go! How wonderful! I bet you and Mary had an amazing time! And, even with the weather so threatening! STAY SAFE!!!

    All I can say about these quilts are WOW! The artistry of these is just amazing! I particularly love the the Old Mill! I bet it took your breath away since it was so big! But, they are all wonderful! There just weren't very many of this category at the Tucson show!

  12. These were all among my favorites! I like any quilt that has nature images. The first one shows the The Three Sisters mountains in Oregon. I've been to the Three Sisters Quilt show once and it was awesome! I love that snowy one and the water wheel, but why isn't there any water coming off the wheel??

  13. I'm amazed at what some people can do with fabric and thread!

  14. Thank you for posting a picture of my Bok Choy quilt. What an honor!


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