
Thursday, March 15, 2012


A few weeks ago I had an artists contact me and ask to use the above photo for a rendering as he called it...he does pin and ink. I felt honored that anyone would want to use one of mine. My thoughts on this are that if he was there he could see it for isn't as if he is claiming the photo as his own.

Another thing....does anyone do Pinterest? I don't really participate/have not joined it, but every now and then will go and type in quilts to see what everyone has pinned. Participants find pictures of things they like and 'pin' it to their wall...not sure if that is what they call it since I did not join. Anyway, I had not thought of my photos being pinned till I saw it mentioned on another blog.

All you have to do is type
in the browser window, hit enter and you will find whether any of your photos have been pinned. When I typed in, which is my Time Stand Still blog, I found that a few barns had been pinned.

I have mixed feelings about it, but it does give a link back to your blog, and they are not claiming them as their own...they are just saying they like again, a compliment in a way. I have been checking it out, and the way it gives the link back is sort of quirky. The first link it gives results in a page that says the Page Is Not Found, but on that error page is the correct link.

Anyway, I wondered if anyone else had thoughts on either one? I really don't mind that someone uses my photos as a basis for a painting or a drawing, and as long as there is a link back to my blog I don't really see any harm in people pinning my photos on Pinterest.


  1. I can see why people would want this picture, it's beautiful! About Pinterest, it is really all the rage now, but I read something really bad about it and darned if I can't remember what it was now...maybe the people who ran it or the security or something. But it was enough to decide me not to have anything to do with it.

  2. Don't know anything about Pinterest but your photo is lovely and you should be very flattered, Rose.

  3. That's definitely a great barn to 'render'! Love the falling snow!

    I know what you mean about pinterest. I had mixed feelings about it, too, but it's kinda flattering in a way, too, so I guess I don't mind. I like finding cool ideas on pinterest, like my latest find... a mason jar soap dispenser! I went flea marketing a couple weekends back & found several old blue mason jars & dad's gonna drill the hole in the top for me to add the dispenser. I've been finding all sorts of cool ideas on there.

  4. i have looked at it, but don't like it much, not interested in pinning things i like to it. basically it is a bulletin board, that you pin things you like, photos, ads andy thing at all, and say to others, look at this, i like it. about the same as email forwards, which i don't open, but delete. nothing wrong that i can see, just not to my personal taste. but things like this and FB are taking over and lots of people are quitting the blog thing, is is now considered old fashioned, and doing these things.

  5. I'll stick with my blog. Not into Facebook or Twitter.
    I doubt I'd like Pinterest either - not into that sort of thing. That being said, your photo is really, really nice!

  6. I do do Pinterest and like it. I never thought anyone would be pinning any of my photos. I'm actually flattered that anyone would consider my photos worth pinning. It's just a sight to get recipes, patterns and ideas. I've gotten many good tasting recipes from Pinterest.

  7. It's a great shot Rose and a pen and ink version of it would look great.
    Pinterest is a subject I probably shouldn't get into. It is flattering when someone likes what you do enough to want to share it and IF they give credit and a link back it would be fine. However, some people DO NOT link back to your posts.
    I think what Ginny is thinking about is the copyright laws. There was an article in a national forum discussing this in the last couple of weeks. I'll have to look for what I read. Honestly it was a mess and I know one blogger took her own photos down from the boards.
    Google her images as well. I have found some of mine that have been used to advertise for websites and I'm given no credit at all.

  8. Gorgeous photo, Rose... I do not use Pinterest--and really don't have any interest in it.. I did read that people are getting their photos stolen on Pinterest... I wouldn't be very happy about that...

    Have a great Friday.

  9. Your barn photo is one of the best I've seen and it is quite an honor that an artist wants to use it! At least they asked, which is the correct thing to do. I don't think a bloggers photos should be snagged without permission for use on Pinterest or anywhere else. That's JMHO.
    I don't do Pinterest, but have looked at it a couple of times. There's been talk about the legalities of pinning on some blogs. I wouldn't do it.

  10. A fine barn to use as the basis for some art work. I haven't tried that service, but have a friend who uses it to share wedding ideas with her relatives for an upcoming, summer wedding.

  11. although I am on Pinterest, I don't "get it!!"


  12. That's a great photo, Rose! I can see why someone would want to do a pen and ink of that. Lovely! You should feel very honored!

  13. I can see why someone would want to use this photo for a pen and ink drawing. You should feel honoured!

    Pinterest is a fad, I think. I'm not impressed... at least not yet.

  14. How exciting that your photo will be rendered in pen & ink. It is an honor, but it's such a wonderful photo, I can see why! I too have mixed feelings about Pinterest, but I am glad you shared the url to see if your photos have been posted. I am curious about my own...not that I am any great photographer, though! :-)


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