
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Just one more bit of purple....

When I was taking the photos of the irises I couldn't help but take one more of the there anything prettier. I know there is a lot just as pretty--I guess it is in the eye of the beholder.
I actually got out for a little drive today and will be showing some pics from it on Time Stand Still, and here, too. I really did not go far, and didn't see anything out of the ordinary. No eagles, no hawks, nothing but a few squirrels. I did manage to find a road I had not been on before and I want to go back again.

I came home and made spaghetti, thinking Roger would be home before I finished, but instead it was around 3:00 before he got home. No turkey, though he 'almost' had one. Turkeys are funny...when they are coming into his calling, a lot of times they won't cross water. Well, today, it would not come across the fence. And he did not have permission to hunt across the fence so couldn't shoot it over there.

We are supposed to have to have storms, so probably no hunting tomorrow. Not sure what we will do. I know there are things I need to do but not looking forward to them....


  1. Glad to hear that Roger is better, Rose... Hope he can catch his turkey soon!!!!

    Glad you found a new road to check out...

    Love the purple flowers this time of year.. Your photo is excellent.

  2. We are to have storms too. Tonight and tomorrow morning. I can't believe your photography, the wisteria looks like a gorgeous big flower in bloom, none of my wisteria pictures look near this lush.

  3. That is a lovely picture - such a gorgeous colour.
    Better luck next time to Roger with his turkey hunting :))

  4. Such beautiful blooms, Rose. I've never had wisteria... but I do love it. :)

  5. perfect purple and oh so pretty. love that wisteria, keep snapping. i wonder what is down that new road you found. waiting to see

  6. What a beautiful photo. Oh my gosh, it's beautiful and I am always amazed at your photography!

  7. Okay I love the wisteria too - and I didn't know you guys were hunters. I am learning more each day. Love it. sandie

  8. How very pretty! Wonderful shot; wonderful color!

  9. That rich color makes a spectacular picture. I can see why you always want to take "one more shot" every time to see this. Very nice image!

  10. just gorgeous and the detail is great.



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