
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Remember this flower....

I forgot to post that Sarah found the name of this flower for me...its common name is onionweed...and its Latin name is Asphodelus fistulosus.
I will be taking a little blogging break...or it may be a long one. I just cannot seem to get in the groove of blogging. I have been thinking about it for a while but about the time I really decide to take a break, something would pop up that I just had to blog about. But the past few days I just feel like I have not had anything at all to say. So, just decided to take give it a few days and see how I feel about it.

I am not sure what I am going to do at my other blog....only time will tell.


  1. What a pretty flower Rose...I totally understand taking a break, I've done that a time or two. I'll miss your posts and visits but enjoy your time away.

  2. Sometimes it's very important to take a break. I will miss you, though. Hope you know that!

  3. A fine blossom shot of the onionweed. Have a good break and pick it up again when you feel like it! I'll still be checking your other blog daily.

  4. Rose, you may have a little bit of blog burnout, we all do at times. You have a lot to say and I always love your posts. At times it will seem to me that some of my posts are awful, but they often turn but to be the ones that people love the most. We really can't be objective about our posts. I hope a bit of rest has you coming back as good as ever!!! Wishing you a Wonderful Easter, and hope you get to spend it with your egg hunt with Lorelei? That would be such a cute post!!!

  5. When you first posted the flower I surfed for a little while and meant to come back to but forgot. I'm glad Sarah was able to identify it.
    I know what you mean about blogging. I've thought recently about taking a break myself and maybe even changing my blog around.
    I know you'll come back cause I don't think you can stay away. You couldn't before. :)
    Have a wonderful Easter!

  6. you are number 4 to say they need a break, it must be contagious. take your ime off, we will be waiting.

  7. I know what you mean about the whole blogging thing. It's fun to share photos and see what other folks are getting photos of though.

  8. I understand completely the need for a break. I used to blog every day and now I'm lucky to post once a week most of the time. It gets hard after several years of blogging. We hope you come back! We would miss your barns and Lorelei and everything else. Go quilt for awhile...that will give you some rest and peace :-)

  9. What a strange name for such a pretty flower.
    Sometimes you need to take a break to get your inspiration back. Take all the time you need - I will look forward to when you come back. Take care!!!

  10. Well I have never been consistent so you don't know when I am taking a break.

  11. I have been on a huge blogging break, but I will miss you.

  12. You will be very much missed! I hope you won't be gone long!!!!


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