
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The road ahead.....

This is a road we traveled on so many other roads. They always urge us on. And I always have the urge to take photos of these roads...I have countless photos of this scene with slight variations.
We did cut down the crab apple tree today. Roger actually cut it down and I stacked the brush. It brought back memories of working in the orchard. Our chainsaw did not want to start...even for Roger. It reminded me of these pruners we had for a while at the orchard. They were ran by this portable air compressor. It had either a 5 or 7 horsepower gasoline engine. I am almost positive it was a 7 horsepower.

In winter, I always had to wait for the boss...because when it was bitter cold I could not start anything that had a pull start, except for the chainsaw. Well, that compressor was about the end of both of us. I would pull and pull and pull and he would say, move, let me try it. Then he would pull and pull and pull and then I would tell him to let me try....we would would both go through this several times before it would start.

As a side note, the picker I worker from had a 13 horsepower engine and would almost always start on the second pull the first time it was started for the day. Then later, one pull each time.
The engine for the compressor and the engine for the picker were both made by Honda.

Anyway, today brought back fond memories. And it was fun, but tiring to be outside doing that type of work. And when we were done, I even came inside and finished cleaning the kitchen cabinets.

The rest of the day I spent being absolutely worthless.


  1. I have many pictures of paths like this, I love snapping them. You never know where they will take you. Too bad we don't live closer, Phil repairs lawn mowers and small engines, he could probably fix these.

  2. I love pictures like this of tree lined roads and pathways. It makes you want to follow it.
    That sounds like hard work cutting down that tree - no wonder you were exhausted when you were finished. A job well done I would say :))

  3. I am most impressed you were able to start anything with a pull start as I have never been successful in that department. Your picture of the road makes me want to drive it too.

  4. What an awesome road to go down! I'm sure I would never be able to pull start anything :)

  5. What a beautiful image! It makes the imagination soar.

  6. Oh I love this picture. It is so beautiful, and it does urge you to go on and on. I really love this picture!

    Glad you were able to get some chores done. It gives one a sense of accomplishment.

  7. I love road and path photos! Nice job. And by the way, we all need to have a little "being worthless" time! I have a lot of that any more. lol

  8. Beautiful shot. Like road like this you do not know what you can see at the end. Thanks for sharing and the visit too I do appreciate it.

    Barn Charm

  9. You had a well deserved break after all that work! Nice shot of the road. I find that image very appealing...made me want to go to it's end.

  10. so now i am wondering what motivated you to finish the cabinets after chopping down the Cherry Tree, oops Crab apple tree.

  11. After a day cutting down a tree and stacking brush (not to mention cleaning cabinets), I can understand the desire to be absolutely worthless for a while. I love your road picture and the memories you shared.

  12. That road sure is calling to me. That's my kind of adventure ahead...way up there where we cannot see it yet.

    It will seem strange for a while without the tree, I'm sure.

  13. I like the road - but the sort of road we like better (or used to when we got out more) are the ones with grass growing down the middle.


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