
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ready or not--here I come

Just a couple more of the Great Blue Heron. Stalking something. He crept along so carefully.

It is supposed to still be another hot one here today. Right now the sun is behind clouds and not horribly hot yet. It clouded up late yesterday and there was a strong breeze. We were hoping for rain, but nothing came of it.

Our yard is almost completely brown...we don't try to water it. Just too much to do on city water. Our city used to give summer discounts, but they stopped that a few years ago. We still water our tomatoes, bell peppers, and flowers. I do not think any of them would survive without it.

I am not sure what we are doing today...may just stay home. We were thinking of going to get Lorelei but she has a summer cold and does not feel good at all. I talked to Sarah last night and she ask Lorelei if she wanted to talk to Mamaw and the first words out of her mouth were, "I want to come to your house, Mamaw!" I promised her that as soon as she got to feeling better that we would come get her.


  1. I love seeing Great Blues, and our yard is turning brown too. The rain just seems to keep missing us :(

  2. sorry L is sick. i love the greenery in the background behind the stalking heron. makes a really pretty pic. we are glug glug gluggin, TS Debbie is stalled in the gulf and it has now been raining for 36 hours and another 48 expected. we need the rain, so am glad for that. maybe we will get the ponds back up to their correct levels. our nana tree fell over, bananas are on the ground boo hoo

  3. sorry L is sick. i love the greenery in the background behind the stalking heron. makes a really pretty pic. we are glug glug gluggin, TS Debbie is stalled in the gulf and it has now been raining for 36 hours and another 48 expected. we need the rain, so am glad for that. maybe we will get the ponds back up to their correct levels. our nana tree fell over, bananas are on the ground boo hoo

  4. Wonderful pictures, I can really get a sense of the stalking. I am sorry Lorelei is sick, how wonderful that she wants to be with you when she is sick, that is a very high honor. You are her comforter.

  5. Gorgeous heron shots! He sure did look busy.

    Happy Sunday,

  6. Did the heron get what he was stalking?
    You are not getting any rain and we are getting to much - there must be a happy medium somewhere!!!
    Hope Lorelei feels better real soon.

  7. I'm sorry, I'm behind on your posts! I read through them all and love, love the pictures! I hope Lorelei feels better soon. Summer colds are miserable.

  8. i so love great blue herons. these are such great, clear shots... they are beautiful birds. so sorry to hear Lorelei is feeling bad. hope she's feeling better soon. have a great night.

    oh, love that country road you snapped in the post below. i too love fall. the color of the trees are always nice to look at and it's always cooler.

  9. Hope the little one feels better soon. I love your photos. Very nice. Hope you have a nice week.

  10. Love your Heron shots. Don't know how I missed this post!

  11. I very much like the shots of the blue heron. How cute that Lorelei wants to visit!


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