
Monday, July 30, 2012

A Ta-da and a question....

We were gone till afternoon, but when we got home, I got busy and finished this little dress. I am almost positive it will be too big for her. But she will probably be able to wear it next year.

I am still wondering what she will think of the colors...
My question is any of you have McAfee antivirus and do you get a warning when coming to my blog or any others. I get them on both of mine, and just checked and do on some of the others. Since I haven't had time to really do any blogging today, not sure if it holds true with all blogs. But each Blogger blog I just clicked on, I received the warning:

We tested this page and blocked content that came from potentially or suspicious sites...blah, blah, blah.

I do know one blog that I visit regularly, half the time when I leave her page, it asks me if I am sure I want to leave the page and then takes me to another page. Which right now for the life of me I cannot remember what it says. But I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is not doing is it blogger/google? The page it takes me to does not seem dangerous.

So, if you have any idea about this, please chime in, or if you have had it happen to you. As for my blog, I have not changed anything on feel like it is the same with everyone else's blog...that it is just something with my computer.

EDITED: I just checked using the other computer, and it doesn't block anything. And I have McAfee on it, also. So....that leaves this computer.


  1. I didn't see anything when I came into your blog but every now and again and not lately thank goodness, a red page would come up warning me that there is a malware problem with the blog I am going to and do I want to proceed? It is sometimes when I have added someone to my blog roll on the side bar, or if that person I am visiting has added someone to theirs with a malware thing going on. That's what I assumed anyway. I have had to remove the blogger for a while, and then I keep checking because that person usually finds out what the problem is and takes care of it. Then I add them back to the blog roll as I enjoy visiting them so much I don't want to lose them permanently.

  2. I have had no problems like that when I visit your blog. Hope it all clears up. That dress is very pretty by the way.

  3. Dress is really cute!
    And I have never had any problems with your blog, nor any other I go to.

  4. Hi, I've never seen a problem on YOUR blog. I did however have trouble with mine about a month or two ago. Had to remove my blog list (the ones I follow) from my blog... Someone on that list had a problem --and because I was listing his blog on mine, it caused my blog to have a problem. Once I removed that entire list, I have had no more problems...

    Love the little dress. SO precious. I'm sure she will love it --even though it's not PINK... ha


  5. The dress is sweet as can be - love the color!

  6. I had no problems, I have Norton 360.

    A couple of months ago Google insisted I had malware and threw up a warning. After running every program I could think of to find the alleged malware I came up with nothing. I even ran Google's safe browsing program and it didn't detect it either. It seems there was a glitch in Blogger that caused the problem. Hopefully you won't have any more problems.

    That little dress is so cute!

  7. the dress is A-dorable! love the pockets and the bees. i think she will like it and the pockets. i get nothing coming to your blog, don't have McaFee. computers have a mind of their own.

  8. It's a very pretty dress and will be a good one even if she can't wear it until next year.

  9. I bet Lorelei will LOVE the dress. And if it IS too big, she has something to look forward to next year.

    I don't use McAfee so I cannot help you. Sorry.

  10. Oh, she's going to love the dress. I'm glad your computer problem worked out, I wouldn't have been able to help you ;)

  11. The dress is so cute! Look forward to a photo of her wearing it. Haven't had any blog problems but haven't been doing much blogging.


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