
Monday, July 16, 2012

A couple of things...

I finished the quilting on my small quilt...I brought it up to show Roger and then laid it across the high chair. Bubbie found it first thing and claimed it as his own. He pulled it down and got in it like this...this is not staged. Though I did move it back just enough to see his head better. He laid in it all covered up for an hour or two. I will take a better view of it when I have put the binding on.

Now, I want to show you some scenes from the strip pits.
Look how brown everything is.....
this field was mowed a bit back. Doesn't this look like what you would see in the winter? They were all taken tonight.
I ran out there just to get some views of the clouds but should have went earlier.
If not for the green of the trees, this one would definitely look like late fall.


  1. All this brown is so distressing! The photos are lovely, but it does look like winter!

  2. Wish you could some rain! The color and light of these is really pretty though.

  3. They are beautiful photos! I know it's depressing the lack of rain, but it will come! REally!

  4. Bubbie knows a good thing when he sees it. The strip pits pictures show the effect of drought so well. Sad to see everything this brown this time of year.

  5. Cute kitty and so snuggly!

  6. I love that top shot Rose, can't wait to see more of the quilt. You seem a bit more browner than us. We all could sure use some rain.

  7. Bubbie is so cute. I love his personality!

    It sure does look brown there,


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