
Friday, August 17, 2012

From north of here...

This is a scene from our drive Sunday...I so love rural scenes like this. Do you notice the cow paths on the left side...don't you just love how cows will only take the direct route if it is easy.

Sometimes I think we could take a lesson from animals. If a cow has to climb to the top of the hill, she rambles around and around, gradually getting to the top....eating along the way. Sort of what we call stopping to smell the roses.

Of course if everyone behaved that way, we might not be sitting in our chairs at home conversing with people all over the world...may not even have been here had someone not cared enough to work against the odds to find medicines to cure and immunizations to prevent untimely deaths.

Still, I like to think that there is a time to enjoy the journey.
We had rain, glorious rain off and on all day. The weatherman said some in our area had as high as 2.82 inches. This time I don't doubt it being us. It was wonderful to hear the thunder and to see a bit of lightning, and to see big, huge mud puddles...and to feel it blowing in on the porches.


  1. Lovely country road photo and cow paths too!

  2. So glad to hear you finally received some much-needed moisture. Did you get out and dance in the rain??

  3. Yeah for the rain!!! I love seeing and watching the cows...Did you ever notice that if it's going to rain they'll all be laying down? I've noticed that and I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or not.

  4. A fine country scene. The big news, I think, was the rain you got...and the amount you got. What a welcome event!

  5. I'm really pleased to hear you got some much needed rain. It must be feeling a wee bit fresher there now.

  6. I like what you wrote. You always have something interesting to say about what you are thinking about. I think this summer we are really learning to appreciate rain! How often have we complained in the past when it has rained? Now we praise the Lord for every drop and get excited about it :-)

  7. So happy that you received some rain! I will be so happy for Autumn to get here this year. Enjoy the weekend. I loved seeing the newest photos of your granddaughter. She is growing so fast!

  8. Glad to hear you finally got rain!

    I was just hearing on the news that many people here in Ontario think August was a rainy month. Haha. Not so. Apparently we got a LOT of rain during a couple of days and the rest of the month has been very dry. Funny how we humans perceive thing. :)


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