
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

After all these years....

Yesterday Roger got a little MP3 player and we got to adding music to it...oh, what memories.  It was like taking a stroll down memory lane for both of us I think.  Certain songs I played a million times while working at the orchard...oh, there is a long list of them...too long to put here....others are from our early years together and before there was an 'us'....Neil Young is in that category....some is before our time together.  For me that would be Merle Haggard and some Rolling Stones...

Anyway, that got me to looking for some songs just to see if I could find them in  MP3 format...and just looking at music in general.  Of course I looked for this one song that I have looked for ever since we got the computer....I have a cassette on which I taped it from the radio.  I heard it a few times back then, but never heard who sang it.

After years of searching, I discovered it was by In I continued to search. I was searching to find the album it was on, searched you tube...just anything.  I had all but given up, but every so often I would look for it again.

Just a few minutes ago, thought I would try it again just for fun...did not find a digital version to buy but did find it on You Tube!!!! I still love it...after all these years.  I don't expect anyone else to love it...but let me tell you I was ecstatic to discover it there waiting for me.


  1. I find it hurts my ears listening to music via a head piece.


  2. Your title reminds me of a group of songs my oldest son put on a tape (yes, a TAPE) some years ago. It was titled and on it was the song, "Still Crazy After All These Years."

  3. I don't think I've ever heard Walking on a Thin Line before, but it sure is cool. Neil Young of course is a fav of mine. His song Helpless is about the area where I live.

  4. I don't think I've ever heard this one. I like it though. Listening to what other people like I often find things I like as well.
    It's funny you posted about music. I was just thinking about you yesterday and today.
    I was looking for a CD I misplaced and ran across my Brooke White CD. I hadn't listened to it for ages and ages. Remember, she was the one on American Idol a few seasons ago that we liked. I have listened to it for two days now over and over. :)

  5. have not heard of the group or this song, but i am not a music listener. i was raised in a home with no music, no radio, no record player, no TV until i was 16. i like some music and some of all the different types, but only if i am sitting and listening. if music is playing i can't read emails or make comments on blogs. it comes over what ever i do. when the kids were little i used to put on music to do housework by, and that was it. if i am in a car and the radio is on, i can't stand someone to talk while it is on. and putting anything in my ears via head set makes me a nervous wreck

  6. I'm glad you were successful in finding this elusive song. I'm sure you'll continue to enjoy your new way to have music in your life.

  7. I don't think I've heard this song before - it does sound quite good though.
    I love music - it can transport you to any time in your life, don't you think. I think the best years for music was the early 70's - so much good stuff from then :)

  8. that was from the 80's, right? WoW! that was a looong time ago & look at all that 80's hair! LoL! makes me laugh every time i see 80's hair! =)

    i looked it up on amazon, but they only have it on cassette, too. Sorry, Rose

  9. Glad you found it, Rose. It has a pleasant beat and definitely takes me back in time. :))


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