
Thursday, November 29, 2012

A quilt house in Tennessee

This was on our drive in Tennessee....I am pretty sure this was a house.  Another drive by.  One of these days I really want a quilt square on our house.
We had errands to run this morning....I didn't set down to my quilt till late this evening.  And when I did I only quilted for an hour or two.  In that time I only quilted the dark half of three or four blocks.  And things were going good.  The quilting is a little closer than I like but it is quilting Roger liked.  So I am attempting to do it.

The bad thing in some ways is that the quilting is not going to show once it is done.   At least I don't think it is enough for anyone to really see unless they are seeing it in person.

Also makes me wonder how long it will take me to finish it....


  1. this is beautiful and so well kept, i am thinking you are right. someone turned an old barn into a home... wish i could see inside those picture windows. wonder if they park in the bottom

  2. Very pretty quilt square in blue, green and white.
    You take great pride in your workmanship and I like that.

  3. Oh wow Rose, I like this one. I have a pattern already picked out that I plan to make when we eventually get our barn. I keep saying....someday...sigh!

  4. Wonderful! I like this house it is on, too. I hope to put one on our house one of these days. Good luck on the quilting!

  5. What a pretty little place. I just love the quilt square. I definitely think you should do that to your house too!

  6. A fine drive-by shot of this house with the quilted square. I'm wondering if the house square is made of quilted material and if so does it require different yarn to withstand the weather?

  7. Gosh your drive by shooting of a barn is a lot better then mine! Beautiful. sandie

  8. I love it!
    I really like the fact there's a light over it so it can be seen at night.
    Hubby and I have talked for some time about putting one on our detached garage. We already have the wood for it. I think after the holidays we'll get started and have it ready to put up in the spring. I think because we see turkeys every year I'm going to do a turkey foot pattern.


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