
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Making progress....

The above is a quick snap, I think from I74 on the way home...directly out my side window.  I have 'sharpened' the image and tried to improve the contrast.  Still, not such a great photo but just had to show that quilt block.  I just love the way it looks on that old barn.
I am not sure where the time has gone...I got so far along in the quilting of my little log cabin quilt, got detoured and found it hard to start quilting again.  I did a little bit yesterday or the day before...but could not settle to it.  But this evening I settled down and finished the I have to get the binding on.  And it will be ready for show and tell and to send west to my daughter.  I sure hope she likes it.  And I think she will...if she don't actually like it she will like that I thought of her.
It was overcast and cloudy all day long here....and noticed the street damp but did not see it actually rain at any time.  Was raining a little bit last night after dark.  I am still not complaining cause we still need the rain to make up for the lack of it this summer.

I leave with this little video...this cat is so much like our Bubbie.  Be sure and have your sound on till you can hear him.  


  1. Is there really A Simon's Cat book? I'm gonna look for one next time I'm out... too cute!
    LOVE the barn & that quilt, very pretty, esp the fall colored vines climbing the side & the stone foundation... don't chya just wanna check it out inside?! =)

  2. The quilt block looks really good on the old barn. I'm looking forward to seeing your quilt!

  3. happy quiliting, when it is cold outside you can be warm and working on the quilt. love that barn

  4. Your drive-by is a fine shot and I liked seeing the pattern. Loved the video.

  5. Well done in getting your quilt done - I'm sure your daughter will love it :))

  6. Love the Simon cartoon. Hahaha! Surprise!

    I look forward to seeing the finished quilt.

  7. I love the quilt square (so bright and new looking) on the older barn! The cat video was so cute! And, I have to tell you, I can't wait to see the log cabin quilt. I know what you mean about getting distracted and finding it hard to get back into the groove. I'm cutting out a pineapple quilt right now (check out my piece-fulness blog for my post) right now and it's taking a while! :-)

  8. Love the quilt square on the barn! I have a lot of catching up to do, but hope to get started tomorrow. Lots to post, too. I love Simon's Cat :-)


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