
Monday, December 3, 2012

Nothing happening here....

 Not much happening around here...I couldn't decide what to do so ran out to the strip pits. 
I have happened through there two or three times lately, on the way to or from somewhere.  And have seen short eared owls galore.  So I thought I would take time to go when I was not in a hurry or didn't have to go anywhere.

I did not see one single owl...the wind was blowing pretty steady but I don't think that had anything to do with it.  The Northern Harriers were still out.  I would love to get out and go early in the morn and see if they have changed when they are out, but I am so afraid they have moved on to some other territory.  There just is not near the wild life out there that I used to see.

It was shirt sleeve weather here today.  Tomorrow the high is supposed to be in the 50's which is not bad.  I saw a magnolia with green buds the other day so wonder what this is doing to fruit trees.  Though I enjoy the warm weather, I would just as soon it stay cold till things are not messed up come spring.


  1. the cold weather is coming back on Wednesday here.....this warm weather is unusual for this time of year....

    Gill in Canada

  2. What beautiful photos of the sky! We have lovely sunsets here in Florida but it's so early now that I miss a lot of them!

  3. Beautiful shots Rose. It's been very warm here too, I do hope it gets colder tho, if it keeps up all winter not sure how the sap will run.

  4. Those are wonderful shots. It got up to 70 here in Virginia today.

  5. Can you believe how WARM it is???? I hate it ---70 degrees in December. Certainly doesn't put one in the Christmas spirit much!!!! Oh Well---the cold will come back I'm sure!!!! ha


  6. It has been really warm here, too. Well, OF will only see great things when you are on your way through and in a hurry. When you have time and come on purpose...nothing

  7. That last shot is lovely with it's pastel colors!
    I feel just like you - let fall and winter be here. We had over 70 degrees today. Unbelievable!

  8. Sorry you didn't see any owls, Rose. I doubt that I have ever seen any short-eared owls.

    I hope you don't have trouble with your fruit trees. Our apple trees blossomed last spring and then we had a frost. Absolutely NO apples this year. NONE!

  9. way to warm here, by evening i am sweating.. this is our cool not cold time, but the weather is like summer.

  10. Those are lovely shots! We haven't been to the strip pits here for a long time...need to go. I never get lucky enough to see owls like you do! We did go to Henderson and saw more geese and quilt barns. Haven't posted them yet.

  11. These are very good strip pit images. Love that colorful sky one. WE are having that out-of-season weather here too. We've had rain several days this past week so that the grass is green with no freezing at night. That does not bode well for fruit trees and such in the spring.

  12. What a lovely morning sky shot this is.
    The very thought of wearing just shirt sleeves here makes me shiver. Definitely not warm enough :))

  13. Many blog friends are experiencing warmer than usual Dec. temperatures. We were in the 70's today.
    Your photos are so pretty. To bad you did not see the owls!

  14. Beautiful photos Rose! The weather is weird, even for St. George, it's been warm. Makes me wonder what's coming up.


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