
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What I have been doing and a question for you....

So, I have been working now and then on this quilt top that is basically made of a lot of scraps left over from other projects.
Today, I have been getting the top sewn together...I still need to add the borders but other than that, it is done.
Roger thinks it is beautiful...and normally I would love the yellow...but I had it in my mind that gray would have looked good and I actually has a plaid homespun in gray that really looked good.  But I was afraid it might shrink more than the other fabrics so did not want to use it.

I could have bought a gray, but I was didn't want to buy any more fabric for this thing...I was trying to use up fabric.  (We won't talk about the fact that I did buy flannel for the backing.)  So, would you have bought more fabric or just used what you had?

For some reason, the photographs are sort of washed out...I have no idea why. 


  1. Such a colorful quilt.... Sometimes it is just nice to make something out of left-over scraps.... Love it.


  2. No, I like the yellow, it frames the blocks nicely.

  3. Oh, gosh... I think I would have taken either it or a big photo of it to the fabric store and actually seen how it looked and if it matched well. I probably would not have bought the fabric without checking to see if it matched better.

  4. Well...yellow is my favorite color so my opinion would be way too biased!

  5. I love scrappy quilts and think this is very beautiful! I like the use of both the yellow and orange for sashing the blocks. I don't your question. Depends on how thrifty and how lazy I was feeling at the moment. If I thought the yellow looked good even though I really wanted gray, I probably would have used the yellow like you did. I think that all quilters find themselves second guessing what they did and wishing they had done something differently. I'm never totally happy with a quilt. We are our worst critics! I too, keep trying to just use my stash and get rid of some of it, but it is hard to not want to buy new fabric. We are fabric lovers as much as quilters :-) I look at fabric like some people look at paintings...LOL

  6. It's lovely as it is because it's scrappy... and that's the way a scrappy quilt is. There's not matching this to that and looking for perfection, because you are doing what women did for years, making a quilt to keep you warm, with what you have on hand. So, you have stuck to that theme and I love that you have and I love the results.

    I have a collection of late 1800's quilts from my husband's family farm. Some are quilts that were obviously given as wedding gifts and so are "special" in their design, but are scrappy, as the women used what they could find----old dresses, old quilts, anything. So although the designs and hand quilting and appliqué are magnificent, here and there are pieces of fabric that may make some people say "What the....?" Not me, I know it's what it is supposed to be.

  7. i am thrifty to the bone, some might say CHEAP so using what i had would be my choice. I like the yellow. and with all the colors it goes with any or everything.

  8. I actually really the color scheme here that you ended up with. I think gray would have maybe washed it out too much. It's beautiful the way it is!

  9. Oh I love the yellow. More than I would have gray, I think. I'd use what I had. It's beautiful...great job!

  10. I think using the yellow was a lovely choice, Rose. It beautifully frames those scrappy blocks and makes the overall finish happy. I quite like it!

    Yes, I know the dilema... use what I have or buy more. What I choose to do all depends... on time, on money and on if I'm going to like what I end up with. Yeah, I'm not much help, am I? lol

  11. It is beautiful Rose. I would edge it in red to bring out the reds in the body of it. I like the yellow too. Maybe gray would just look blah? I wouldn't buy more fabric---of course I say that to you but I probably would just because. LOL!! My Mother always backed her quilts with some off the wall material of riotous color. MB

  12. It is an absolutely beautiful quilt! I love it! You are quite the artist I must say! I think it's awesome you used up leftover fabric. That is what makes it unique!

  13. Love it! the yellow is perfect, it pops all the colors.

  14. I agree with Roger that this is beautiful. You made the correct decision to use up what you had. This is wonderfully cheerful and will be especially appreciated on cold, dreary days.

  15. I love this, Rose! I think I am really craving the bright sunniness of yellow right now...grey would have been fine, but I think the yellow really makes it wonderful! What an awesome quilt!

  16. My MIL would use as many scraps as possible and if she had enough of say the yellow she'd go ahead and use it. For me, the scrappy ones are the best because of the memories the fabric conveys. I've actually heard my sil's describe what some of the scraps were originally from.


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