
Friday, March 29, 2013

Hickory chickens....

I know they are morels, but I like the more whimsical name of hickory chickens.  We heard them called that down home.  This one was actually growing here at our house in 2009.  It was growing under the edge of the trailer.   Roger was mowing the yard, maybe for the first time.  We had had the big old maple tree cut down the year before and it was near what would have been the old stump.  I don't expect to find them here this year, but do hope we get to find some at our 'mushroom hunting grounds.'
It is going to be partly cloudy this day...has been overcast ever since I got up but I am finally seeing just a tiny bit of blue sky.  I was so hoping for a totally sun filled day.  At least, it is still supposed to get warm again.

Yesterday I got to sit outside and read!  For the first time this year.  We spend a lot of happy hours sitting on the porch--and I don't care how hot it gets, I will be out there for a while every day of the summer.

I am still discarding...just a few items at a time.  I am convinced that we all have more than we need.  To be able to get rid of as much stuff as I have and not even miss it tells that story.  I think if nothing happens I am going to have Roger give me a hand today in getting some things down where I can go through them.

Then there is the I the only one that hangs on to boxes that electronics come in?  I tend to hang on to them for a while in case I have to send them back.  I do eventually throw them away--just wondered if I was the only one that holds them for a while.


  1. I too hold equipment boxes for a time in case they have to be returned. Nice close up of this attractive growth. I like it's name too.

  2. Yes, the electronics boxes are sturdy and good, I save them. And I save other boxes because if I ever throw a box away, then I always need it. For presents or to mail things. This morel picture is very cool. I think you can eat them? Gosh, do you eat mushrooms you have found yourself? Be careful...

  3. Hi Rose, Love your "hickory chickens".. Not sure I've ever seen them before.

    Raining here today--and looks like it will continue for several days. At least, it's not snow. BUT--it feels so cold out there. Guess it's the dampness...

    Happy Easter.

  4. i save those boxes to and then throw away when they start to fall out of the closet when i open it... love that morel or what ever you called it and have never seen one. beautiful shot

  5. So that is what a hickory chick is....I have heard the term but never knew it was a mushroom. I do not save much of anything. I do keep a return box for awhile just encase....

  6. "Hickory Chicken" is a new term for me. That is an interesting mushroom and you got a good picture. We've got another cool, gray day here today. It's a big change from last year.

  7. Never seen anything like that before!

  8. I like the name 'Hickory Chickens' better than Morels but I imagine they taste the same. LOL

    We hunt Chanterelles in the fall--Yum!

    We save Electronic boxes too and eventually out they go but they are around for quite awhile. MB

  9. I've never seen anything quite like your 'hickory chicken' - it's amazing what grows in the ground isn't it.
    Today it has been a wee bitty warmer here with a lovely blue sky - long may it last :))

  10. me too I hoard too many things and need to clean out more stuff!!!


  11. We hang onto boxes for a while too. I'm so glad we do. Last year I purchased a new camera strap that was supposed to be great for carrying my camera around. Well it unscrewed and my camera fell about 10 feet. The camera shop said they'd replace the camera if we could bring it back in its original box. I think they were surprised when we did. :)


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