
Saturday, March 23, 2013

On the way home from Indianapolis...

There is something about this barn that I love.  A while back I tried to snag a photo of it on the way home from Sarah's.  This was the only one I managed to get.
Lorelei and her mom are here for the weekend.  I have a little story to tell about Lorelei.  I don't know why I haven't told it before now.  It is about her birthday party weekend.  A couple of Sarah and Jeremy's friends spent the night there and were there the day we celebrated her birthday.  I do not know what it is, but she always loves their friends.  I don't care it it is just a group of Jeremy's guy friends, she loves them.  And they are good to her...even the ones that are not married and don't have kids are very good with her.

Well, the day of her party, John was sitting at the dining room table...not eating, but I don't remember what he was doing.  And she was up there right beside him, talking to him...he was talking to her and not trying to ignor her or anything.  She looks up at him and asks, "Don't you have any friends of your own?"

The ones of us that heard it cracked up...and every time I have thought of it since, I crack up!
It has been a couple weeks since we have seen her and I swear, she seems to have grown by leaps and bounds.  It is as much her actions as actual growth.

It was warm enough till she got to play outside for an hour or two this evening.

But according to the weatherman that is not going to last.  It is supposed to start snowing tomorrow night and continue through Sunday...and 4 to 7 inches is predicted.  I am hoping they are wrong, but if they are right, I am going to try to get out for photos.


  1. What a good story, she is very sensitive and observant! Now THIS is a BARN!!!

  2. I love it! Out of the mouths of babes ;)

  3. so sweet, no wonder they all love her, and they do change moment by moment. enjoy your time with family. that barn is absolutely gorgeous... and so are the trees in front of it

  4. A very funny story about Lorelei's wit in talking with john. The barn is very attractive. I like your shot of it.

  5. Yes, Neal said that you all are predicted to get alot of snow... GADS--where is spring.

    Hope Sarah and Lorelei don't have to drive home in the snow... Glad they are there to visit you though..I know how much you enjoy seeing them.

    Great barn photo.

  6. Love the barn. And that little girl is something else!

  7. Such a cute story about Lorelei! Kids "say the darndest things!" :-)

    I have looked for quilting shows on TV and haven't been able to find them. We get DIY I think, but I'm not sure why I can't find any shows.

  8. What a gorgeous barn! Looks like they added the garage door. I would too. OMG! The sandhill cranes! The little town of Washtucna has a whole weekend dedicated to them. They don't stay around long, just passing through. Same time every year. Way cool!

  9. Wow, it's a massive barn.

    A pretty name Lorelei and one I don't think I have heard in a long time. I like your story and she is observant and I know a joy to be with.
    Happy Sunday

  10. Beautiful barn, neat and well kept.


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