
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Can you smell these

Part of the time, their scent is powerful enough till you should be able to smell them in blog land.  Other times I walk out and hardly notice them.  Lorelei sure noticed them though.  And loved watching a honey bee or two that was on them.
I actually sat and did the entire binding on the baby quilt last night.  I hate to admit this, but I totally didn't even think of starting on it Monday night which is just too bad.

It looks like it might  be a few days before I get is supposed to rain today and sure looks and sounds like it could start any time.  At least it is done in plenty of time for the baby shower.  And now I am free to start on something else, or finish something else if I want.


  1. Lucky you to have hyacinths blooming! But I do think I can smell the aroma of yours. :)

    Congrats on working on the baby quilt. I look forward to seeing it finished.

  2. can't smell them, my scratch and sniff in the computer is not working. wish i could... what L said jogged my memory, my friend said her 3 year old grandson went with him mom to the fish market for the first time. he stepped in the door and said really loud "Oh My God! what is that smell?

  3. Oh how I wish I could! I had these back in my Illinois garden. I really need to plant some here.

  4. They are beautiful!
    My grape hyacinths are blooming and I saw honey bees on them yesterday.
    Flowers and bees - spring has arrived but with the 80 degrees we've had for two days it's more like summer.

  5. Don't they just have the best scent ever. Mine aren't blooming yet but are budding.
    When you are finished with the quilt ya gotta show us. MB

    PS: Cheri has a pic of where she lives---it is OUT. MB

  6. Those are so pretty! We have nothing planted, nor anything blooming here yet. It was only 19 above here this morning.

  7. gorgeous colors....I think one day we will have a smell button on our blogs. Till then colors give me a memory sent. When people show chocolate...I can smell it. :)

  8. What are these, Rose? They look a bit like Hyacinths... They are brilliant and beautiful. Like the sky on the best day ever!

  9. I just love those little flowers! Mine are in bloom also. Pink, purple and white!

    RE the mail. It comes everyday. Its at the end of the county road, and the beggining of the dirt road, 3 miles away. Needless to say, we don't pick it up everyday.

  10. Those flowers are so pretty! I can't wait to see the quilt!

  11. Yes, I smell them! I love their sweet scent...outdoors! So beautiful to both look at and smell.


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