
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Still feeling the magic...

 Although I am glad that spring is finally showing signs of being here to stay, I still feel the magic when I look at these photos.  Specially if you click to expand the view.
There is nothing more beautiful than branches of trees that are heavy laden with snow.


  1. Oh what a gorgeous snow. That was my kind---snows that clung to everything... Just beautiful....

    We never did get that much snow this past winter... BUT--it's just been cold enough to keep Spring from getting here. Supposed to be warm this weekend and next week.

  2. I agree with you about the branches! They bespeak a clean newness and silence. And I must say though I long for spring and flowers, I am not a big fan of tornado season.

  3. those branches are beautiful. we are now getting our badly needed rain, been raining since 4 am, woo hoo...

  4. Lovely! I agree with you entirely about the snowy branches!!

  5. you scared me, as I thought you had got more snow, as you generally send your weather up our way!!!

    Gill in Canada

  6. Truly lovely. We don't get snow like that out this way. Well once every few years we are surprised. We got no snow this year. The mountains and foothills did but not us. MB

  7. To me, there's nothing quite as beautiful as newly fallen snow .... especially wet, clingy sort of snow.

  8. Very nice. I can feel the magic too.


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