
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

From here...

The photo in the previous post was a cropped portion of this photo...a close up of a goose belly...I am not sure why I did not zoom in closer with this photo instead of cutting it off like this. 
Have been on the go most of the day...after therapy, fixed a late breakfast, stopped for a little bit to watch a sewing show.  Then the running began.

We went to Menard's to pick up a few things...ended up with a new sink and faucet.  Which we needed, but had intended to wait a bit.  And Roger picked up a few things he needed in his shop....but they did not have the size bandsaw blade he needed so left there to go to Harbor Freight.  Stopped and ate a bite...then to one of the greenhouses.

I had called to see if they had brandywine tomato plants but didn't think to ask if they were selling them by single plant or in the little 4 down there and they were the singles.  So, just picked up some other tomatoes.  I am hoping to get to an Amish greenhouse in Parke County.  Maybe they will have them.  I am so disappointed.

While there, we did pick up 3 hibiscus plants, and a foxglove...Roger planted everything when we got home.   The hibiscus are the kind that blooms later in the summer so we will be looking forward to that.

No sewing at all today, but am getting closer to having my current quilt top finished.  I just have to cut the borders and get them sewn on. 


  1. I never would have guessed that Rose! Good one :)

  2. Sounds like a busy but productive day for you two... We got out and ran errands also today!!!! Fun Fun!!!!

    Hope you can find your tomatoes....


  3. Though busy, it sounds like a fun day! Gosh, I had to go back just now and look again at the mystery picture. How amazing, great job!!!

  4. Beautiful colours on their feathers.
    We have 6 Canada Geese nesting in our bay and for some reason they start squawking at 5 a.m. (Maybe a fox is snooping around the nests?) Anyway, we don't need an alarm clock these days!
    Hope you are making good progress with the therapy.

  5. you have been a busy bee for sure. i would never have guessed what that was yesterday. their feathers are so detailed. glad it is planting season for you and spring is there

  6. A great account of your exceedingly busy day.

  7. You were busy doing things that needed to be done. Feels good too. Sorry about the Brandywine but you will get them in time.
    Read the post about Miss L. and her chattering and giggling. She can come up and wash my car too. LOL MB

  8. Got me...I guess I do not know the difference between feathers and hair LOL I hope you get rested after your busy day :)

  9. Sounds like a busy, busy day but I'm impressed that the plants are already in the ground...not waiting somewhere in the shade. Hope you find the Brandywine tomatoes you want!

  10. Now I understand the bits of light in the previous shot. I'm guessing the feathers had a touch of moisture on them. Makes sense now.
    My Hubby loves Harbor Freight. :)


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