
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Another year has come and gone...

Another year has come and gone since Roger and I were married...yesterday was our anniversary.   Roger has a bad cold so the celebrating will have to happen later.
Our daughter on the west coast brightened our day by sending us flowers.
Sarah brightened our weekend by letting us have Lorelei....and then she came and spent Sunday afternoon with us.  And they gave us gift cards--for restaurants!  I must say our kids know us well.
You would never guess by looking at these that Lorelei was long as she had her cough syrup and tylenol in her, she could get to feeling pretty good.


  1. Happy Anniversary! Hope your hubby gets well soon! Lovely flowers!

  2. kids are amazing, sick or not they love to play.. Happy Anniversary and i wish you many many more

  3. Congratulations! Lorelei looks perfectly well. Youth must have something to do with it. :-)

  4. Happy Anniversary!! How many years is it?

  5. P.S..... I LOVE the bouquet in the first photo!

  6. Happy Anniversary! Beautiful flowers. Hope you guys get to feeling better soon!

  7. This picture reminds me of Phil and I with the girls on the playground. We are right up close!!! So afraid they will fall!! Sorry about the cold but a BIG HAPPY ANNIVERSARY from me!!! I hope you are using one of those gift cards soon. How many years?

  8. Happy Anniversary to you both. Sounds like --even though Roger isn't feeling well, that you all had a nice day... Beautiful flowers --and gift cards for restaurants is always wonderful... I know you had fun with Lorelei also... Congrats!!!!


  9. Congratulations Rose and Roger! What sweet gifts from you girls! I can tell you two enjoy having Lorelei so much!

  10. Happy Anniversary. Lovely photos. Hope your husband feels better soon.

  11. Happy anniversary, Rose. The flowers are lovely! And Lorelei is still ever so cute!

  12. Happy Anniversary! The flowers are beautiful and Lorelei is probably the best present both of you could want :-)

  13. Happy Anniversary! The flowers are lovely.

  14. Happy Anniversary. I hope your husband feels better soon so you can utilize those thoughtful gifts. The yellow flowers are so pretty and Lorelei still manages a smile even though she is sick :)


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