
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

No excuses...

I have no excuse for not blogging these past few days.  The kids were here Friday through Sunday, but other than that I have not been doing much at all.  I guess I should be thankful it is laziness and not something drastically wrong.  I don't know why, but when I get interrupted in blogging, it is sometimes so hard to pick back up and start.  However, if I go ahead and schedule a post or two and keep it going when I am otherwise occupied, I do so much better.
As you can see from the photo above, I have been doing something...but what?  Stay tuned...hopefully within the next month or two I will have something to show you.  I cannot get to it right now since I still am working with my last two little quilt tops.  Or rather making the backing for them.  One is made, and started the other one earlier today.  I hope to finish it sometime before this day is over and then get them pin-basted before the weekend is out.
I saw this post of Judy's a few days had a picture of potatoes that they had just dug.  My thoughts went immediately to home.  We always 'ridged' the dirt up around the potatoes as they grew...then when young taters formed, the bigger they grew the bigger the crack would grow in the dirt that covered them.

We always looked forward to the day that mom thought there would be some big enough to 'gravel' out as she called it.  We would look for the biggest crack and carefully rake/dig the dirt away to get to the potatoes.  We would choose a few of the biggest that were forming...always choosing some an inch or two in diameter. I think we would get maybe a couple or three per hill if we were lucky.  We never just dug up the whole plant....we left the smaller ones to grow.

We would do a few hills of potatoes this way...enough to get a mess of potatoes.  And at each plant, we always pushed the dirt back over the remaining potatoes that were developing.  And it never seemed to really harm the plant to the best of my recall.

For those of you who have never done this, the skin on young potatoes is paper thin...we would run water over them and then just scrap the skin away with a knife.  Then if they were just over an inch in diameter, mom left them whole, but if they were getting up close to two inches or so...she would cut them in half...and put them on the stove in a pot of water to cook that way a little while.

Then she would take them out and fry them....leaving them whole or halved.  Talk about good food!  Oh, my mouth is watering now just thinking about it.


  1. not worry about taking time from your blog...we all do...and guess what? Your friends will be here when you get back. Your material strips have me wondering. I am not a quilter and not sew therefore I have no clue? Why did you mention homemade fried potatoes...why? Now I want some. :)

  2. Yep, good ole country potatoes and free from the garden makes them better, my mouth is watering Rose!

  3. I'm real curious about that ball of fabric strips :-) We never grew potatoes. Don't know why. We grew just about everything else. I made a nice mess of fried potatoes the other night. Don't do it often, but that is my favorite type of potato to eat...with onions in them.

  4. Jim just dug some potatoes up the other day and I boiled them and boy were they good.
    I'm interested in knowing what you are doing :)

  5. You've got my mouth really watering, too. Too bad it is 9:30 and I am couched for the remainder of the night. I would LOVE to taste fresh dug potatoes. I cannot wait to see what you have planned with that big ball of fabric...if that is what it is. Mysterious! Maybe you wrap your scraps in a ball...but no, then you would have to unroll it all to see what you have.

  6. As Dee said, don't worry when you don't blog. Blogging should be something fun which we do when we WANT to.. I have really cut down my blogging the past year or two... Like you, I have many other interests... The best way that it works for me is taking time off when I want it. I 'schedule' it on my blog so that everyone will know when I'm not around.. Seems to work for me...

    Those 'taters' sound yummy.. Makes my mouth water also.


  7. We picked our potatoes last week. I always have to go and peek to see if any were poking out and I would pick them. We planted fingerlings--why? just because I guess. Also in the big garden Jim, Bob's son, planted red, white and purple spuds. I dug a bunch of red and we had some for dinner and left overs for fried potatoes for breakfast. I think I like potatoes. YUM!!

    Don't worry about not being blogging everyday---so what we know you will show up and sometimes we don't blog everyday. MB

  8. I dug up my potatoes a month or so ago. I always have trouble with the plant turning light green or brown after a promising start. Do you know what causes that?

  9. I haven't blogged much this week either. Must be the moon. That's my answer for everything. Plus, it's been a not so good week for us. Hate to put sad or bad things on my blog and bring everyone down. :(

    We used to grow potatoes, squash, okra, tomatoes, and cantaloupe back in the 80's before the invasion of fire ants. Once they hit, we might as well have been throwing them a party because they ruined everything we planted. We never used poison on our plants. I miss having a garden!

  10. are you making a rag rug?
    when we used to dig up new potatoes, mother left the skin on and boiled them whole, yummmm yummmm.. sometimes she removed the skin and cut them up and made them in white sauce. in KY daddy would dig them all up and we kept them in a wooden bin in the basement and ate them all winter long

  11. The digging of the potatoes was very interesting and a good way to extend the growing of the smaller potatoes.

  12. The new potatoes sound delicious. You make me want to go out and raid a farmer's field right away...but don't worry, I won't. ;)

    Rose, I don't blog every day. It just looks like I do because I often schedule a few posts at a time. That's why I don't always answer my emails right away- because I haven't been at my computer. :)

  13. are you making a rag rug? Love new potatoes too.


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