
Friday, September 6, 2013

Another from Tennessee

This is another shot from Tennessee....I figure that if the houses in the previous post had been kept up, they would have looked similar to this.
I have long enjoyed reading the Random 5 Friday posts of some of my blogfriends, and have meant to join before now.  Usually I don't think of it till I have done did a different post.  So, for my first time, and hopefully not my are my Random 5...

1.  Having a grandchild makes life so worth living!  I knew I would love a grandchild if I ever had one, I just did not realize how much.  It is not more than I loved my girls...just different.  I feel more relaxed for one thing.  Another is it is a shared responsibility.  Also, I think I have more time.

2.  Quilting is never far from my mind.  Photography is about the same...just always thinking about it.

3.  I always get more homesick for Tennessee in the fall than at any other time of year.  As you can tell by my posting pics from there.

4.  I always wish I knew and had passages of the Bible memorized as well as I do words to songs.

5.  After all these years, I still mostly love blogging...but sometimes it is so hard to figure out a post for blogging...specially this blog.  I don't have a lot of trouble with Time Stand Still, a photo blog since it is just a photo with a line or two about the photo.  I contiually learn little things through blogging.  And I seem to get more done when I am involved in blogging.

So there you have my first ever Random 5....


  1. Another really nice photo! However, I find blogging takes up a lot more of time!!

  2. Welcome to Random 5 Friday! I think this is the first time I actually made it on Friday instead of Saturday!


  3. that's also why i like having just a photo blog, sometimes i can't think of anything more to say than a description of the photo..other days i ramble on and on that house! have a great weekend :)

  4. i enjoyed your first random five, i have never done one, but then my post are always totally random stuff.. love the house, the porch, the trees and that beauitful fence

  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE this!! Because I can know more about you! I feel EXACTLY like you do with our granddaughter!!

  6. I'm impressed with your Random 5. I keep thinking I'll post a Random 5 and then...I find myself doing something else. HMMM. Good for you, Rose!!

  7. Fall is such a sentimental season, I think. Everything starts to slow down after the whir of summer.

    I would love to make a quilt - my uncle is the quilter in our family actually. One day I really need to make one with him.

  8. Thanks for visiting my blog. Although I don't live in Tennessee, I love it too. I wish I could quilt. I belong to a neighborhood sewing group. A few of us do cross stitch, but most bring quilts to work on. I could do the stitching part, but I could never imagine the designs that they do.

  9. I enjoyed your Random 5. Nice learning a little about you. =)

    I like the photo of the house. Tennessee is so beautiful. I understand why you get homesick for it.


  10. Welcome to Random 5 Friday! I enjoy the freedom of being able to write about any random things and it's OK. Your photos of Tennessee homes make me want to visit Tennessee. I see why you love that state!

  11. I enjoyed reading your Random 5! It's always fun to learn more about our blog friends.

    I love blogging, too, but I do spend too much time on the computer. I wish I could find that happy balance. Surely there is a way!

    Enjoy your weekend, Rose!

  12. I love your Tenn. houses..I looked at the other photos as well

    Yes becoming a grandmother is a fine thing! pure magic :)

  13. Hmmmmmm......just remember that pictures take the place of one thousand words. I try to include as many as I can in my blog--and not a lot of words. Folks are busy and like eye candy. :-)

  14. Don't give up on blogging .... I have a love/hate relationship with mine. I stopped blogging for a while ... but once I started up again I realized how it truly was therapeutic for me!
    Thank you for visiting my blog!
    By the way, I have become a "follower" of yours!

  15. What a beautiful farm house. And the setting that it's in is just as beautiful. Looks so tranquil. Grab a blanket and just listen to the sounds. :)

  16. There are plenty of times that I don't blog for several days. Sometimes I don't feel like writing and sometimes I don't have anything interesting to write about.

  17. So nice of you to take time to post your random 5 Rose. I don't have any grandchildren but would like to someday.


  18. I think you do a nice job with your blog...sometimes there just isn't a way to share how we do nothing LOL I love some of the blogs where at times they can only think to take a photo of a shadow on the wall...I find that to be very creative and honest. I love the type of house in your me it looks like a true family home. I too wish I could memorize bible verses...I enjoyed your random five..I find them personally hard to do.


Thank you for visiting my blog...I hope you like it enough to take the time to comment. I enjoy comments so much, and always try to make a return visit.