
Monday, November 11, 2013

Aren't libraries wonderful?

This photo was actually taken by Sarah, not by me.
Glanced at my email yesterday evening and Sarah had sent me this.  My brother, Neal, had told Sarah about their library having a book sale.  At the end of the sale, they allow people to fill a bag with as many books as they can and the price is $4!  She got this pile of 30 books for just $4....can you believe that?  And Lorelei is just happy as a clam.

I think Lorelei is running true to her family genes....I think out of the eight of us, only one brother doesn't love to read.  He just don't read a lot of books, but reads magazines.  I for one, have spent a lot of happy hours in libraries.  I don't so much any more since having the kindle.  But I still use the library to borrow digital content.

Isn't digital wonderful?  I borrow books for my kindle and audio books for my Mp3 player and never have to worry about getting them returned to on time.  And there is even some music available to borrow, but I haven't taken advantage of that yet.
Chilly and overcast this morn with a 40% chance of rain.  What is more it is supposed to change to a wintry mix tonight, though the accumulation is supposed to be slight.  There is always they chance that they could be wrong...we might not get any at all, or we could wake up to a winter wonderland tomorrow! 

It is early, but we have had snow earlier.  One time on my birthday, which is near the beginning of Novemeber, I remember it has snowed a skim.  How do I remember that you ask.  At the orchard, we alway saved the Granny Smith apples till the very last thing to pick...always tried to get them in before a hard freeze.

Well, that year we waited too late...but the boss wanted to pick them in the hopes that we could at least used them in cider.  So I was picking apples with just a bit of snow on some of them, my little gloves that I loved for picking were getting soaked and my hands were freezing.  I would get down off my picker and run back and hold my hands close to the motor/exhaust to get them warmed up every little bit.  Oh, and by the way, we could not use them in cider....I don't remember why, but remember it was wasted effort. 


  1. What a stroke of luck! Books are so expensive. I think it is so important for youngsters to have real books with illustrations rather than be reading on screens. There is nothing that can replace those precious moments.

  2. my first thought when I saw the photo was they let dogs in the library? then i read the post... what a DEAL... wow and wow. when I was L's age i would have jumped for joy with that many books. we borrowed from the library but owning books was rare. i got them for birthday and Christmas and read them over and over...

  3. A great shot of Lorelei enjoying her new bargain sack of books.

  4. What a great deal, Rose. Lorelei will love ALL of those books… So glad she got them ---and for only $4???? WOW---neat!


  5. Super deal for the books. Lorelei looks soooo happy!

    We might get snow tonight too. Hmmm. I do like snow but I also think it's way too early.

  6. That's quite a book purchase for Lorelei! We had snow last night - maybe a half inch.

  7. I love Libraries. I spent much of my childhood inside the local tiny library. It was wonderful. I could stay all day in a book store too. When my kids were little I didn't drive and we lived a bit out so the bookmobile came to our road every 2 weeks. the kids and I would haul the little wagon down the road and fill it up. We always stayed the half hour the bookmobile was allowed to stay and we were usually the only customers. Such fun memories.
    I am glad Lorelei loves to read. It is great for kids and all of us for that matter.
    i have no Kindle or ipad or any of that although I would like to have either one.
    Today was a nice day and Bob and I walked along the dike down by the river. We were gone 2 hrs. Just meandering and looking at stuff. Rain is supposed to come in tonight though. I have resolved to walk everyday so we will see how strong my resolve is in the rain. Hey you are a Scorpio? Me too. See you are right--kindred spirits. MB

  8. Libraries are awesome! Havent been in a long long time. We were always surrounded by books. When my son was little I took him to the library every week. He still reads all the time.

  9. Lorelei definitely looks happy with her books. I'm glad she likes to read -- too many young people don't. We're supposed to get a touch of winter weather tomorrow.

  10. Considering the price of kids books these days that was a steal!
    So thankful all my Grands love books. Lorelei looks happy!!!
    I have always loved books. Like you I don't visit the library hardly at all any more because of my kindle. There are such good deals to get on there that anything else seems too much.
    We're expecting wintery weather before morning as well. We had a few flurries before Halloween but this will be the first that has the potential to leave us with enough to make the ground white.

  11. How awesome for her to get all those books at a wonderful price. I used to always take the kids to the library and I think almost all my kids love to read. I still love going to the library.

  12. Wow that was wonderful to get all of those lovely books - it's great when children love books don't you think?
    I'm glad you like my holiday piccs. It is very difficult to find the most outstanding moment in our holiday because everything was so fab. We had a great time - still living of those memories and will for a long time I think. :)

  13. I went to our library book sale on Thursday, but did not come back with this big a haul. Precious picture of real happiness and contentment. I only learned about digital libraries this summer, and how wonderful! Never an overdue book or a fine :-)

  14. Rose,
    I love to hear when kids love to read and enjoy school.

    Libraries are neat places.

    I have an amazon notebook with kindle capabilities. I love it! I really enjoy being able to make the print large and easy for me to read. I also enjoy shopping for inexpensive books.


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