
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Just a post while I am in the mood...

I took these pictures a week ago...notice the color of the tree, then notice all surrounding trees.
Can you believe the color...I know part of the reason it stands out is because everything else is so drab...
But it is just glorious.  There are always a few of these trees around.  I have no idea what they are....I thought they were maybe linden trees but in googling them, don't think they are.  Whatever they are they have so much color...
I was going to skip a day or two posting and now it has been about a week.  Just got sidetracked and didn't get back to it.  And may not again till after Thanksgiving.

I cannot say where the time went...we did the gutters of the house.  That was one day.  We have awnings over the porches, I got up and cleaned one while Roger did the garages and the rest of the house, and then he got up and did the other awning.  But I was so tired that night I didn't want to even think.  It was one of those brisk days...

While I was up there, I heard this noise...a bird...I knew it was familiar but couldn't think what.  I glanced around and didn't see anything..went back to work. Heard it again...looked around, and there went a bunch of sandhill cranes.  I made a point of going to the strip pits a day or two later, but they were not out there.  I was so in hopes they had stopped there.
I have been getting a little Christmas shopping done...I don't mind telling you I was beginning to panic a little. So glad to have a start.

Shhhhh--don't tell anyone but we put our Christmas tree up today!  I think it is the first time I ever wanted it up before Thanksgiving was over.  But this year Thanksgiving is so late, I just went ahead and decided I wanted it up...Roger carried it up from the basement and we got it done this morn.

anyway, in case I don't get to say it before Thursday, I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.


  1. for past few years i have been putting mine up on TG day or the day after. happy thanksgiving and the trees are beautiful. that screened in room reminds me of the one my Unlace built for us to have picnics in at Lake George, the bugs were awful so he built one like that but bigger

  2. That tree is magnificent! And by the way, how is Roger feeling? Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  3. A fine capture of these tree's gorgeous leaf color.

  4. There are no words for the beauty of this tree, and it is going strong while everything else is gone!!! We have a few here, I sure wish I knew what they are!!!! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you will be with Lorelei.

  5. I can't shame you for not posting more, Rose. I have been busy, too. Time just seems to fly this time of year. I am not sure where November went.

  6. These reds are absolutely stunning! There are a few around here like that, too. We have flowering pear (I think) in front of our house and they were gorgeous up until a day or so ago. (Red) All the trees behind our house are bare. It was quite a stark contrast.

    We heard and saw the crane fly over here one day last week. Haven't seen as many as we usually do.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Hope you all have an enjoyable (and safe) weekend. :-)


  7. The leaves are very lovely!

    A week or two ago we went north to where sandhill cranes pass through every year and discovered we had already missed them! I was disappointed.

  8. Wow the trees are beautiful! I decorated yesterday.

  9. Gorgeous tree! I noticed some here that were all beautiful like this when everything else was bare already. I thought the leaves looked like some sort of maple, but was driving by and couldn't really study them. I'm hoping to start getting decorations out today! I'm ready for Christmas this year and ready to see trees and lights and the whole works.

  10. Amazingly beautiful tree! I have been having several different "issues" and haven't blogged much. Am trying to get things going again. Been sewing a LOT though and can't wait to share the quilt I am making for my kids!


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