
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Like this old barn

Just like this old barn, I am feeling a bit worse for wear.  Friday evening, after Roger left to go hunting, I decided to rake a few leaves.  Didn't make much headway...10 big garbage bags and that did not even get the ones in front of the garage.  Keep in mind we don't have any trees in our yard any more, other than a dogwood and a smoke bush.  So they are all from neighbor's trees.

Well, I was tired that night....but other than that nothing worse.  Though there is no use complaining, I still am having trouble with my went from the right shoulder back to the left. As a general rule it is just stiff, though I do get it flared to hurting/aching sometimes.  The raking actually seemed to make them feel better the first evening, but then that night I got moved the wrong way and they are both flared back up

Yesterday morn, I got up and ran and got the ham for Thanksgiving, then in the evening we worked on the leaves.  Roger got the blower out this time....we bagged 14 more bags, and then put a LOT on the garden spot.

By last night I was so stiff and sore I could hardly move.  Aspercreme has been my shoulder/arms.  I took ibuprofen hoping the stiffness would be gone by this morn, but it is still there.  Anyway, that is one reason I have not been around to visit...have been busy, and when I have come in the past two nights I have not wanted to do anything that required thinking or effort. 


  1. I know what you mean about that pesky leaf raking. I can't rake anymore because of a bad back, so Don bought a leaf blower, and also our riding mower picks them if they're sort of spread out.

  2. I hope the stiffness lets up today and you return to more normal feeling. Great old barn.

  3. It is hard work for sure. I KNOW… Too bad you get all of the leaves from your neighbors' yards….

    Hope you are feeling better today. A huge cold front is coming through today ---so it will mostly be an inside day for us!!! (Think we need it.)

    Take care.

  4. I hear ya!! The neighbors should come over and offer to help with the raking after all it's their leaves. that would be a cold day you know where when others show up.
    I haven
    t been around lately because this crazy computer keeps acting up. I think we got it down now. haha!!
    At least that barn has a metal roof. It is rotting from the ground up.
    Well take care and keep that Aspercreme on those shoulders. It does help.

  5. and I know from experience, when the shoulders/arms act up computer is not good for them...hope you feel better soon. when mine were really bad, i ask a therapist at the nursing home for excercises and she said stand in a hot steaming shower and place your hands flat and slowly stretch up the wall sliding your hands as far as you can, several times. it took a long time for mine to go away and one shot in the right one

  6. EW! Sorry about your shoulders! Does your lawn mower mulch leaves? It's actually good to mulch leaves and then leave them where they lay to enrich the soil. A horticulturalist told me that.

  7. Many days I feel a bit worse for wear Rose. I'm chalking it up to old age even though I don't feel old my body constantly reminds me.
    I haven't seen one of those bending over ladies propped by the barn in a long time.
    Most of our leaves have fallen and hubby has moved over most of them and especially along the side of the neighbors who don't do anything about leaves so we try to get as many cleaned as possible and then will have to clean in the spring from what has been blow our way. It's pouring rain here and severe weather predicted for tonight and tomorrow with lots of wind so that won't help.
    Hope you're feeling better today.

  8. Take it easy and I hope you feel better!

  9. Love that old barn. You should ask the neighbors to help you guys! I would..Or they would hear me b+*ching and come over! ha ha
    My right shoulder gets to hurting when I use the pitch fork! HA! I just have Cameron dig his fingers under my shoulder blade! OMG!! It feels like my eyes are gonna fall out. So GOOD!

  10. That's a great-looking barn! Love that rusty roof.

    Sorry to hear you're hurting. That's about how I am every time I work outside now. =( This year I'm satisfied having Mike run the mower over the leaves. I might or might now get the remainder raked out to the curb for the town to pick up. If I don't, I'll just bag them in the spring. The trees in our front yard are holding tight to their leaves, so it will be a while before everything is down.

    Ibuprofen (if you can take it), lots of water, and Lorelei to rub your shoulders. ;-)


  11. Fall is my favorite season . . . so pretty. But those leaves . . . We don't have many, thank goodness.


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