
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Cold critters

Though these were taken January 8th, everything is facing cold temps again.  It is 13ºF as I type this and part of the time the wind is just whistling.  I was up at 4:00ish this morn and it was howling then.  The snow we got has been blown and drifted till it is impossible to tell how much we actually got.  Bubby was just dying to be let out this morn....he was not out 5 minutes till he was demanding to be let in again.  And he came flying in....none of that sauntering in so slowly that he does a lot of times.

The toot is still here....our plans are to meet today.  I guess we will wait till up in the day a bit to see.  With the warm temps of the past two days our roads had melted, but were still wet so they will probably be a sheet of ice here in town.

It is sure going to be quiet when she leaves...she has giggled and giggled.  When there is nothing to laugh about, she makes up something.  And has such a deep belly laugh.  One night she discovered how it sounds different in the bathroom if you yell in there, so was in there yelling first Papaw and then Mamaw, and after each yell, she would just scream with laughter.  Roger was outside and said it sounded like we were torturing a child inside.  

Then we have a couple mystery games on our computers....the kind where you are to hunt for objects.  Wow, does she ever love them.  And some of them you have to figure out how things work and she is doing that.  Just growing so much.


  1. That is so funny about her yelling in the bathroom and what Roger said it sounded like from outdoors!!!!!

  2. things do sound different in the bathroom, i whistle while in the shower, it echos and sounds better than not in the bathroom... also in the locker room at the YMCA singing and whistling is great...

  3. Lorelei sure is a treasure. Thanks for sharing the fun you have with her.

  4. A fine picture of this cold looking cow. Blowing snow at that temperature would make being outside miserable. Interesting how Lorelei is growing so fast.

  5. I'm glad you're having such a good time. I love the bathroom yelling. That's pure fun. I may do it when I get home. :)

    I put your daughter's Etsy shop page on my Facebook feed. I have a friend with two little girls and she "liked" it right away, so maybe I've sent your daughter a little business. I hope so.

  6. I love this: When there is nothing to laugh about, she makes something up. What a great way to be! I hope the cold is short-lived.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. ha ha ha! Too funny. They are so fun, and you look at little things in such a different light. Like yelling in the bathroom! lol!

  9. Please be careful when you take Lorelei back. This weather is WICKED....

    Has Lorelei learned to love the computer yet???? Kids learn so FAST!!!

    Two inches of snow here --and SO pretty. BUT--going down to about 5 degrees tonight... Gads.


  10. Thanks for sharing Lorelei with us. I wish our Grandchildren were closer.

  11. Sounds like she had a great time!

  12. Stay snug and stay happy with that little cutie of yours.

  13. What fun you are having with the 'toot'. I miss the fun time with my grands. They do grow up. Mike is 23, Kylee almost 20 and Brett and Brad are 15 and 13 almost 14. Kylee of course lived with us a lot and the 2 youngest boys pretty much were here all the time. Teenagers and older. Too much going on in their lives. I too love the laughter.

  14. She sure does love being at your home :) We've been having cold temps again and everything is a sheet of ice after a short thaw over the weekend.

  15. Sounds like Lorelei has been having such a good time! Have a safe trip taking her back and stay warm!

  16. Looks so cold there! Nice that you've had some company during these harsh winter days. :)

  17. Boy, I feel sorry for the cow! So many people are getting terribly cold temps and I know it's rough. I haven't been posting much...over the summer and fall....because of some issues I explain in a post I did a couple of weeks ago. I do have a new camera now and am excited about it, plus the other problems have pretty much abated as well, so I am back in the swing of things. Missed it! Check out my main blog and also the piece-fulness blog. Tucson Quilt show!

  18. we have had such cold temps up here and it always amazes me how the cattle stand it being outside in the cold, but they do.

  19. Oh, that critter looks coooold!

    You never have a dull moment with little Miss Lorelei - what a hoot!


  20. this has been such a horrible winter for all the animals....:( It makes me smile to hear about your time with your grand daughter...I miss mine at this age...she is 12 now going on 15. :)


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